马尔代夫 Ayada 的 Vinaysa 和 Ashtanga 瑜伽


介绍我们的瑜伽教练 Avantika

有一点是肯定的,大多数客人都希望在我们天堂般的岛屿度假村获得彻底的放松。如果您是其中之一,我们有个好消息。才华横溢的瑜伽教练 Avantika 最近加入了马尔代夫阿雅达度假村,通过各种瑜伽课程(团体或个人课程)帮助任何人重新与自己的身体和灵魂建立联系。

瑜伽是在忙碌的头脑中寻找平静和清晰的思维。Avantika 为人们带来了各种各样的瑜伽风格 马尔代夫阿雅达酒店,这样您就可以重新连接您的身体和灵魂,并获得更高质量的放松。



对于熟练的瑜伽练习者来说,Vinyasa 和 Ashtanga 一定很熟悉,但初次练习瑜伽的人可能并不了解这些。

Vinyasa 是一连串的动作,可以拓展您对身体的意识。Ashtanga 是一种阳刚的练习,通过一系列动态姿势和激烈的呼吸练习来排汗、净化和唤醒身体。

What is the difference between Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga? Simply put, Ashtanga yoga is a traditional series of postures done in the same order every time – while Vinyasa is like freestyle Ashtanga. It can be characterized by flowing movements, coordinated with deep focused breathing, and it’s often accompanied by music.

Ninety percent or more of the poses you do in a flow class are the same ones you’ll find in an Ashtanga class. One major difference is the creative qualities that the Vinyasa instructor takes in building the sequences and varying the pace between poses.


A yoga class described as ‘Hatha’ will involve a set of physical postures (yoga poses) and breathing techniques. Movements are performed slowly and with more static posture holds than a Vinyasa flow or Ashtanga class.

Hatha means ‘force’ and is more traditionally defined as ‘the yoga of force’, or ‘the means of attaining a state of yoga through force’.


如需私人课程,您可以通过您的管家、我们的 Ayada 应用程序或在 Spa 接待处进行预订。价格为瑜伽室或海滩 $35++,别墅或套房 $65++。

Complimentary morning yoga is available Sunday – Friday at 8 am and 6 pm in Zero Degree.

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