Bollywood Actor Mouni Roy recently celebrated her 39th birthday in the most picturesque way possible, surrounded by the serene beauty of the Maldives. Accompanied by her husband, Suraj Nambiar, and close friends, Mouni’s birthday festivities were nothing short of magical. She shared glimpses of her celebration on Instagram on October 1, giving her fans a peek into her tropical retreat at the luxurious Coco Bodu Hithi Resort.
Eine tropische Geburtstagsparty
Mouni Roy hat die Sonne genossen und die atemberaubende Aussicht auf die Malediven genossen. Ihre neuesten Instagram-Updates haben ihre Fans in Erstaunen versetzt und ihren atemberaubenden Urlaubsstil zur Schau gestellt. In einem ihrer Posts sieht Mouni in einem rosa Bikini und einem fließenden weißen Rock einfach umwerfend aus. Sie posiert mühelos auf einem Stuhl und strahlt Selbstvertrauen und Charme aus. Ihre sonnengebräunte Haut und ihr üppiges, wallendes Haar tragen zu ihrem strahlenden Aussehen bei.
Instagram Highlights
The actress shared several posts from her stay at the resort. In a video, she can be seen enjoying the resort’s over-water villa and pool, dressed in a stunning red beachwear. She captioned the post, “Loving it at @coco_resorts #cocoboduhithi #cococollection #cocomaldives #cocollectionmaldives #birthdaygateway.”
Another heartwarming photo featured Mouni with her husband, captioned, “Love & gratitude is all I feel in my heart. Ty so much for all the lovely wishes #grateful #thankful #blessed.”
Unvergessliche Erlebnisse
Mouni also shared a video reflecting on her incredible stay, captioned, “Just returned from an incredible stay at Coco Bodu Hithi Maldives with the Mr & friends, and I can’t stop reflecting on the amazing experiences we shared. Snorkeling in those crystal-clear waters was meditative; the vibrant fishy life left us in awe. One of the highlights was the unforgettable birthday dinner they organized on the beach. The setting was simply magical, with soft sand beneath our feet and the gentle sound of waves. We kept lying down on the sand looking up at the stars. You all took such great care of us, made the evening feel special and intimate. Spending three days immersed in the ocean was rejuvenating, and every moment was filled with laughter and joy. Grateful for these memories and the beautiful bond we share. Until next time, paradise! X @coco_resorts.”
In another post, she expressed her longing to return, captioning it, “Take me back already!!!”
Mouni Roy’s birthday celebration in the Maldives was a perfect blend of relaxation, adventure, and heartfelt moments, making it a memorable occasion for her and her loved ones. Her fans are eagerly awaiting more updates and stunning visuals from her tropical getaway.
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