Die Sommerferien stehen vor der Tür. Gönnen Sie Ihrer Familie einen wohlverdienten Strandurlaub auf einer tropischen Insel. Berühmt für seine geräumigen Villen, kulinarischen Erlebnisse, aufregenden familienfreundlichen Aktivitäten und einige der schönsten Strände der Malediven, Finolhu am Meer bietet eine bezaubernde Balance aus Naturwundern und luxuriösem Wohnen und macht es zum perfekten Sommerurlaub für die ganze Familie.
Complemented by wide open vistas across the turquoise lagoon and up to two kilometres of white sandbanks stretching off into the endless expanse of the Indian Ocean, the overall feeling of space becomes the catalytic inspiration in the central design feature of Seaside Finolhu’s beachfront and overwater villas.
Configured for couples or young families, Finolhu’s Ocean Pool and Beach Pool Villas enjoy direct access to the ocean or the lagoon and include their very own private pools. For larger families of up to four adults and four children below 12 years of age, the 2-Bedroom Water Villas offer an impressive 460 m² / 4951 f² of space as well as direct ocean access and a private 8m pool, while the 2-Bedroom Beach Villas boast an expansive 530 m² / 5705 f² in addition to a private 10m pool and direct beach access. All of Finolhu’s villas are fitted with the comforts and devices of everyday modern luxury living.

For family bonding over mealtimes, guests are spoilt for choice thanks to Finolhu’s truly unique dining experiences. From the international fare at Beach Kitchen to award-winning Asian fine dining at Kanusan, and Middle Eastern cuisine at Arabian Grill, there really is something for everyone.
Families are sure to enjoy regular visits to Milk LAB for its refreshing selection of ice cream and frozen yogurt alongside vegan sandwiches and slices of cake, or opt to take a short dhoni boat ride to Crab Shack – a truly unique dining experience not to be missed. Serving fresh seafood and light bites in a barefoot chic setting along the island’s sandbar, it offers an unforgettable toes-in-the-sand dining experience that stirs the imagination of deserted island adventures.
As much as lazing by the pool and sampling the wonderful cuisine are the cornerstones of a relaxing beach holiday at Finolhu, there are times when a little more excitement is needed, especially with restless children to keep entertained. The Oceaneers Kids Club has a wide choice of activities for children aged from 4 to 12 years, while the whole family can enjoy a magical trip out on the lagoon together in the Penguin Semi-Sub. Snorkelling, scuba diving and non-motorized water sports are also available, while mom can indulge in a little “me time” at Fehi Spa or take part in the resort’s wellness offerings for a little privacy and pampering.
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Der Beitrag „Sommerurlaubsspaß für die ganze Familie im Seaside Finolhu“ erschien zuerst im Luxusresort auf den Malediven.
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