
繼 Manta Retreat 於 2022 年成功推出後, 馬爾地夫馬穆納高洲際度假村 正在籌備第三次蝠鱝靜修活動,計劃於2024 年3 月9 日至12 日舉行。領導的保護工作的機會。

曼塔靜修中心專為尋求額外假期的旅客而設計,鼓勵參與者探索和了解這些雄偉的生物,同時為海洋保護做出貢獻。這項靜修活動將由馬爾地夫洲際酒店 Manta Trust 基地負責人 Meral Hafeez 領導,他將引導參與者進行身臨其境的體驗。

The focus of the third Manta Retreat will be on meeting the manta rays that inhabit the surrounding waters of the island, emphasizing their protection and ocean conservation. Meral Hafeez expressed her enthusiasm for sharing the wonders of Maldivian marine life, stating, “I can’t wait for everyone to experience their first manta ray and the wonders of the deep!”

This year’s retreat coincides with the Maamunagau Manta Season in March, where young manta rays gather in the resort’s lagoon, offering a unique opportunity for up-close encounters. The Maamunagau Lagoon serves as a crucial research ground for the Manta Trust team, allowing guests to actively participate in the identification and naming of manta rays through the Manta ID workshop.

Manta Retreat 套餐的價格為每位客人1490 美元,包括兩次蝠鱝浮潛之旅、帶導遊的環礁浮潛體驗、命名和收養蝠鱝的機會,以及涵蓋蝠鱝、浮游生物和珊瑚修復的各種研討會。

For certified divers, dedicated dive spots around the resort provide opportunities to observe the natural manta ray ‘spa’ at cleaning stations, showcasing the fascinating symbiosis of marine life in the Maldives.


The purpose of the Manta Retreat goes beyond education and exploration; it also serves as a fundraiser to support the valuable work of the Manta Trust. Guests staying at InterContinental Maldives can enjoy the resort’s luxurious facilities and accommodations while those not participating in the retreat have plenty of entertainment options.

有關更多信息 馬爾地夫馬穆納高洲際度假村