JOALI BEING推出水療品牌, 馬爾地夫喬阿利酒店. The newly launched brand, JOALI BEING Cure, will bring the award-winning “weightlessness” philosophy of the first wellbeing island in the Maldives, offering its expert service and curated line of products.

Designed around the signature Four Pillars: Mind, Skin, Microbiome and Energy, JOALI BEING Cure is a taster of the wellbeing island, JOALI BEING. From signature massages, specialised treatments, and JOALI BEING’s network of visiting experts, guests can experience an elevated spa experience.

隨著該計劃的推出,JOALI Maldives 的水療中心將更名為 JOALI BEING Cure。該品牌將推出一系列完全獨家且獨特的設施,護理將包含 JOALI BEING 的體驗元素。此系列產品精心打造,融入最優質的天然成分,旨在讓您一窺 JOALI BEING 的健康計劃。


菜單包含獨特的療法,包括高級整體按摩,其中突出了獨特的 Marma 面部按摩,可立即放鬆和恢復活力。此外,體驗還包括 Rasayana Detox Body Buff 和 Himalayan Energizing Body Polish 等身體護理。獨特的 JOALI BEING Cure Skin Recovery 護理專為乾燥和暴露在陽光下的皮膚量身定制。

“We are excited to introduce JOALI BEING Cure at JOALI Maldives, bringing a piece of weightlessness to the Island of Joy as well”, said Magdy Abdelaty, Global Director of Wellness & Spa. “This new spa brand is a true reflection of our commitment to providing unique and unparalleled luxury at our resort.”

這一令人興奮的全新推出將馬爾地夫 JOALI 帶入一個令人興奮的放鬆和恢復活力的新時代,並且在度假村迎接新年之際必將提升賓客體驗。

JOALI 馬爾地夫 JOALI BEING Cure 的推出標誌著其旅程的第一步,並計劃在未來幾年透過納入更多地點來擴大其水療產品組合。

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