International hospitality company, Atmosphere Core announces sustainability achievements across four pillars of Community, Operations, Resources and Environment. This environment-conscious approach is evident through the company’s many impactful initiatives such as renewable energy infrastructure and water-saving technology across resorts. Along with company-wide projects, individual resorts are also looking at innovative pilot projects such as a vertical hydroponic garden at 歐真生活瑪阿杜 或內部沼氣裝置 奧布魯精選桑傑利.
“Sustainability isn’t an option; it’s our ethos. We look at reusing, reducing, and recycling. All our resorts use a paperless app-based booking and check-in system. At our spas, we serve handmade candied orange peels, and all our resort teams maintain kitchen gardens with a constant effort to improve every year. The cumulative impact of these eco-friendly choices can have a lasting positive change. From conscious development to conserving resources and curating culturally connected experiences for our guests, every decision we make is rooted in preserving the natural beauty that surrounds us in the enchanting islands of Maldives,” comments Shrikant Dash, the Deputy Managing Director for Corporate at Atmosphere Core.

Recognising the need to give back to the local community, Atmosphere Core has been supporting charities and driving impact through a non-profit, non-governmental organisation – Atmosphere Foundation. In the span of two years, the foundation has achieved significant milestones. It has built a high-quality training kitchen for special needs students, run reading programmes for 7,196 youngsters and supported health screening programs for 590 senior citizens at local islands.
By introducing bamboo plantation and cultivation not just on the group’s resorts, but also in local community outreach programs, Atmosphere Foundation is at the forefront of bringing responsible hospitality and climate protection programmes together. Bamboo plants are known for their exceptional carbon absorption rate, contributing to the goal of making the Maldives a carbon-free destination. Through the Bamboo for Climate Change Mitigation project, Atmosphere Foundation has donated over 4,000 germinated seedlings and introduced saplings to 27 islands, collaborating with local councils on 9 initiatives. This project has covered all but 5 atolls in Maldives. Over 1,000 seedlings have also been planted in resorts operated by Atmosphere Core.
How the Sun Powers Atmosphere Core’s Resorts
Atmosphere Core 正在最大限度地利用一切機會利用太陽能清潔能源為度假村供電,從而推動馬爾地夫的太陽能革命。 2019年,Atmosphere在以下地點安裝了海洋和屋頂太陽能係統 歐真生活瑪阿杜。從那時起,太陽能裝置已擴展到各個度假村,導致太陽能產量逐年增加。 2022 年增加 40%,隨後 2023 年增加 14%。
截至 2024 年 5 月,七個度假村安裝了 8,890 塊太陽能板,透過 85 個屋頂裝置和 12 個浮動平台累積生產了 16,500 兆瓦時的清潔能源。從這些數字來看,Atmosphere Core 透過使用太陽能節省了 4,459,459 公升柴油,從而累積減少了 11,951 公噸二氧化碳排放。
在 Atmosphere Core 組合的度假村中,環境保護佔據中心地位,特別關注珊瑚保護。在九個度假村的投資組合中,七個度假村擁有積極管理的珊瑚保護計劃,四個度假村擁有專門的海洋生物學家。 2023年,大氣核心水域共安裝了279個珊瑚架,約有13,436個珊瑚碎片。 2024 年第一季度,度假村安裝了 21 個新框架。透過持續的監測和維護,珊瑚碎片已經附著在框架上並開始長出新的樹枝。多年來,透過珊瑚繁殖,這些保護花園裡的活珊瑚蓬勃發展,吸引了海洋生物,包括鸚鵡魚、鯛魚、鷹鰩、鯊魚和其他無脊椎動物。
All of Atmosphere Core’s resorts have received Green Globe Certification for environmental sustainability, with 歐禪珍藏波里富士酒店 和 OBLU NATURE 海倫吉利 by SENTIDO 獲得金牌認證。 Green Globe 擁有 10% 全球市場份額,是度假村最受歡迎的永續發展認證之一,並成功通過了 44 項關鍵環境標準和多達 380 項合規指標的審查(取決於目的地)。