在 新馬爾地夫 採取, love is more than just a feeling—it’s an adventure, a journey, and a celebration of connection. Here, your love story unfolds in inspiring surroundings, where every occasion is thoughtfully crafted to spark joy and bring you closer. With countless ways to celebrate your bond, Nova is where romance blossoms and where good soul days turn into cherished memories. We offer the perfect setting for lovers to escape, unwind, and fall in love all over again.

Couple’s Bliss
踏上健康之旅 艾斯卡普水療中心, where holistic treatments are designed to rejuvenate the body, mind, and soul. Choose from a rejuvenating or relaxing massage, complemented by a luxurious warm body mask and invigorating foot reflexology. Conclude your experience with a soothing flower bath session, sipping on refreshing spa elixirs as you soak in the blissful surroundings. Set against the dreamlike backdrop of Nova’s azure lagoon, 艾斯卡普水療中心 為尋求深度放鬆和純粹聯繫時刻的情侶提供了一個庇護所。
Set sail into a world of wonder with Nova’s unforgettable 浪漫遊輪。體驗印度洋日落巡遊的魔力,當太陽落入地平線時,天空變成一幅充滿活力的色彩的畫布。喝一杯香檳,為你的愛人乾杯,感受安靜的親密感,海浪有節奏的搖擺讓你們更親近。想要冒險,踏上驚心動魄的旅程 海豚巡遊,觀看這些頑皮的生物在您的船上跳舞,或沉浸在共同的激情中 與鯨鯊一起浮潛. For a more lasting memory, plant a coral frame together as a symbol of your love, contributing to the ocean’s vibrant life. Let every moment be filled with endless possibilities for connection and joy.
沉迷於 浪漫的晚餐 在納瓦館波光粼粼的潟湖成為度過難忘夜晚的完美場所。僻靜的木製平台提供了一個私密的避世之所,邀請您品嚐與周圍環境一樣迷人的風味。盡情享受根據您的喜好精心設計的菜單,包括馬爾地夫龍蝦、多汁的安格斯牛柳或素食/純素食選項,以及新鮮烹製的壽司卷。當您在星空下用餐時,迷人的氛圍和精緻的美食將您包裹在一個純淨、深情的世界中。
Say “I Do” in Paradise
想像 在細軟的沙灘上交換誓言, with the shimmering sea as your witness, or standing on the lagoon deck where endless shades of blue stretch as far as the eye can see. Here, your Maldives wedding dream becomes a reality. Let us curate your perfect union, crafting a day that’s just as unique and beautiful as your love story. Whether it’s an intimate ceremony for two or a celebration surrounded by family and friends, the promise of tropical bliss, where your souls will sparkle forevermore.
讓你的愛引領道路 私人包船, where you can leave the world behind and set out on a journey across the open ocean. The destination is yours to choose, offering you and your partner the chance to explore the geographical marvels of the Maldives. Whether you’re seeking adventure or simply want to bask in the comforting embrace of the sea, this soulful escape is an invitation to create your own story, where every moment is shared, and every view is savoured.
有關更多信息 新馬爾地夫 豪華度假村