While the exact date of her arrival remains unknown, the star recently shared glimpses of her holiday on social media. In a post on Facebook, Sonam captioned a photo with “Hello from Maldives,” and on Instagram, she shared another picture, expressing her delight at being in “the one and only beautiful place.”
媒體報道稱,索南由她的丈夫阿南德·阿胡賈 (Anand Ahuja) 和他們的孩子陪同。 唯一瑞提拉赫酒店,儘管這位女演員尚未分享任何家庭照片。
This is not Sonam’s first visit to Maldives. She has previously chosen the island nation as her getaway destination.
資深演員阿尼爾卡普爾的大女兒索南卡普爾今年已經 39 歲了。她在電影《Saawariya》中首次亮相寶萊塢,此後又出演了幾部著名的電影。然而,自2018年結婚以來,索娜姆從電影事業上退了一步,專注於自己的個人生活。
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