Grand Park Kodhipparu 榮獲綠色環球金級認證



該度假村很自豪地宣布將於 2024 年獲得 Green Globe 的重新認證,這是其持續致力於永續發展、環境管理和社會責任的又一個里程碑。自2020 年首次獲得永續旅遊業綠環球認證以來,科迪帕魯君樂酒店一直在永續營運和實踐方面展現出領導力,確保每位賓客的體驗都符合其保護和保存其獨特生態系統的核心價值。


科迪帕魯君樂酒店始終超越永續旅遊業的基準。在最新的 Green Globe 現場審查中,該度假村達到了 87% 合規性,展示了其對永續酒店業的奉獻。

2024 年的主要成就和措施包括:

  • Elimination of Single-Use Plastics: In line with its goal to reduce plastic waste, Grand Park Kodhipparu has completely eliminated single-use plastics. The resort’s transition from plastic to reusable straws since 2018 has resulted in the reduction of approximately 450,000 plastic straws over five years. Additionally, the on-site bottling plant, operational since 2019, has saved over 117,000 plastic bottles in 2023 alone, conserving valuable resources and reducing waste.
  • Coral Reef Restoration: The resort’s active coral reef restoration project aims to increase coral abundance and diversity naturally. Through careful monitoring and innovative line nurseries, which have shown a 99% success rate, Grand Park Kodhipparu is dedicated to enhancing the resilience of its house reef. In 2023, over 35 coral colonies were successfully transplanted to the reef, contributing to the vibrant underwater ecosystem that guests enjoy exploring.
  • 野生動物保護和生物多樣性:科迪帕魯君樂酒店在島上動植物編目方面取得了重大進展,識別出超過 115 種樹木和植物。與 Olive Ridley 計畫合作,對居住的海龜進行監測,促進客人與當地海洋生物之間更深層的聯繫。
  • 太陽能和能源效率:為了減少碳足跡,該度假村在 2021 年地球日推出了太陽能發電系統,目前可滿足超過 10.56% 的電力需求,每年節省約 150,000 公升柴油。這一對再生能源的承諾得到了整個度假村的節能照明、節水措施和環保設施的補充。
  • Environmental Education and Awareness: The resort’s Resident Marine Biologist plays a crucial role in educating guests and team members on marine conservation and sustainability. Regular talks, guided snorkelling tours, and awareness sessions are conducted to foster a deeper understanding of the delicate marine environment and the steps that can be taken to protect it.

科迪帕魯君樂酒店 非常重視其團隊成員和當地社區。該度假村以其多元化的員工隊伍而自豪,員工來自 22 個國家,並致力於提供公平的就業機會。培訓和發展計畫確保每個團隊成員都有能力實現專業發展,並為永續發展工作做出有意義的貢獻。


企業社會責任 (CSR) 措施不僅限於度假村團隊,還擁抱當地傳統和國際慶祝活動,培養社區意識和包容性。世界海洋日、地球日和各種文化慶祝活動等活動強調了對文化欣賞和環境倡議的奉獻。

展望 2025 年,科迪帕魯君樂酒店在其全面的可持續發展管理計劃的指導下,仍然堅定地致力於永續發展。度假村將繼續創新並引領負責任的旅遊業,為馬爾地夫的環境保護和社會責任樹立新標準。

以最優惠價格預訂 Grand Park Kodhipparu

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