


Reaching many of these secluded resort islands requires additional transportation from Velana International Airport (Male). The two primary options are speed boats or seaplanes, each offering distinct experiences and practicalities. Whether you’re seeking adventure, convenience, or the most scenic route, understanding the pros and cons of each method is essential for making an informed choice.


快艇是前往馬累附近度假村最常見的交通方式。通常,距離馬累機場 50 公里範圍內的度假村會使用快艇接送客人。


  • 便利性和可用性:快艇通常在白天或晚上的任何時間都可以使用。這使得它們成為乘坐深夜或清晨航班抵達的客人的理想選擇。可以快速整理接送服務,客人抵達後船隻就可以出發,從而減少等待時間。
  • 成本效益:與水上飛機接送相比,快艇便宜得多。對於預算有限的旅行者或希望降低成本的家庭來說,這可能會產生顯著的影響,特別是對於前往附近島嶼的短途旅行。
  • 天氣耐受性:快艇往往比水上飛機更能適應天氣。雖然馬爾地夫經常遭遇陣雨和季風,但快艇通常仍然可以在惡劣天氣下運行,儘管條件可能很惡劣。
  • 縮短附近度假村的旅行時間:如果您的度假村距離馬累很近,快艇可以提供快速而順暢的旅程。例如,有些度假村距離機場僅 30 至 45 分鐘車程,交通十分方便。


  • 僅限於附近的度假村:快艇不適合到達遙遠的島嶼。對於距離海路一個多小時的度假村來說,乘坐快艇進行長途旅行可能會很不舒服,特別是對於那些容易暈船的人來說。
  • 舒適和空間:雖然有些快艇提供豪華座椅,但有時會感覺很擁擠,尤其是在洶湧的海況下。旅程可能會很顛簸,乘客可能會在洶湧的水面上暈船。
  • Less Scenic: Unlike a seaplane, speed boats remain close to the water’s surface. You’ll miss the stunning aerial views of the Maldives’ atolls, coral reefs, and islands from above, which is one of the highlights of traveling by seaplane.
  • 海況會影響乘船:波濤洶湧的海面,尤其是在季風季節,可能會讓快艇旅程變得不舒服,在某些情況下,會比預期的時間長。雖然這艘船可以在許多條件下運行,但波濤洶湧的大海可能會讓一次快速旅行變成一次波濤洶湧的冒險。





Stunning Aerial Views: One of the most remarkable aspects of seaplane transfers is the scenic experience. Guests are treated to breathtaking views of the Maldives’ vast turquoise lagoons, vibrant coral reefs, and isolated islands from above. The photography opportunities alone make this experience unforgettable.

  • Time-Efficient for Distant Resorts: For resorts that are more than an hour by speed boat, seaplanes offer a much quicker and more comfortable alternative. A journey that might take 2–3 hours by boat could take just 30–45 minutes by seaplane, saving time and energy.
  • A Unique Experience: Taking off and landing on water is a novelty for many travelers. The experience of flying in a small aircraft over one of the world’s most beautiful landscapes is thrilling and adds an adventurous element to the vacation.
  • Comfort: Despite the size of the seaplane, many travelers find the journey to be more comfortable than speed boats, especially in rough weather. The flight is usually smooth, with some light turbulence, and there’s no risk of seasickness.


  • 費用:水上飛機接送比快艇貴很多。每人往返費用為 $200 至 $500,視度假村的距離而定。對於家庭或大型團體來說,與快艇相比,價格差異可能會迅速增加。
  • 運作時間有限:水上飛機僅在白天運營,通常是上午 6 點至下午 4 點,因為它們依賴良好的能見度進行水上著陸。夜間或下午晚些時候抵達的住客必須在馬列或附近住宿,然後才能搭乘第二天的航班,這會增加整體旅行時間。
  • 重量限制:水上飛機的行李限重比常規航班更嚴格,通常將托運行李限制為每人 20 公斤。對於攜帶較多行李的旅客,需支付超額行李費,且較大的物品可能需要單獨運送。
  • 等待時間:雖然快艇可以在您抵達後不久離開,但水上飛機則按固定時間表運行。客人可能需要在機場等待幾個小時,直到航班準備好。雖然一些度假村為此目的提供貴賓休息室,但它仍然增加了整體旅行時間。


Choosing between a speed boat and a seaplane for your Maldives resort transfer largely depends on factors like the resort’s distance from Male, your budget, and your personal preferences for comfort and experience.

  • 對於附近的度假村:快艇通常是更實用、更實惠、更靈活的選擇。
  • 對於遙遠的度假勝地:水上飛機既省時又提供獨特的風景旅遊體驗,但成本較高。

If you’re looking for a luxurious or unforgettable introduction to your Maldivian getaway, the seaplane transfer provides stunning views and a sense of adventure. However, for budget-conscious travelers or those who prefer a more straightforward, cost-effective option, the speed boat is a reliable and efficient choice.

  • 當您在任何島嶼度假村預訂住宿時,他們將很樂意協助預訂往返馬列機場的接送服務。