坐落在馬爾地夫寧靜的海水中, 阿達郎精選蜜杜帕魯酒店 是一個寧靜的島嶼度假勝地,為家庭提供難忘的度假體驗。度假村以其鬱鬱蔥蔥的風景和原始的海灘而聞名,是尋求放鬆的父母和渴望冒險的小探險家的理想目的地。對於家庭遊客來說,遊覽這個田園詩般的度假勝地的一大亮點是專為兒童量身定制的一系列活動,確保讓您享受身臨其境的住宿體驗。
在 Adaaran Select Meedhupparu,Kokaa 兒童俱樂部是 4 至 12 歲兒童的樂趣和冒險中心。俱樂部提供各種令人興奮的活動,旨在擴展他們的視野並揭示未曾見過的奇蹟。每週的活動計劃充滿了創意和引人入勝的選擇。孩子們可以深入了解珠寶製作、臉部彩繪和摺紙等藝術和手工藝。他們可以透過裝飾甜甜圈和紙杯蛋糕或製作自己的無酒精雞尾酒來釋放他們的烹飪創造力。
Each day at Kokaa Kids Club brings a new adventure. From building sandcastles on the beach to participating in treasure hunts around the resort, there is always something exciting happening. Musical chairs, leaf painting, and making wizard wands are just a few of the fun games and crafts that keep young minds and hands busy. Outdoor activities such as kite flying showcase the island’s beauty, adding to the joy of discovery. For children who enjoy friendly competition, board games and interactive activities such as giant Jenga, tic-tac-toe, and water gun fun offer endless entertainment.
Kokaa 兒童俱樂部訓練有素的工作人員確保所有活動都在安全和有益的環境中進行。他們致力於確保每個孩子都感到融入其中並度過美好時光,無論他們是繪畫、手工還是探索島嶼。
Adaaran Select Meedhupparu 每週舉辦特別活動,確保孩子們度過許多難忘的時刻。兒童迪斯可派對是一大亮點,年輕的遊客可以隨著自己喜歡的音樂起舞。爆米花電影之夜為充滿樂趣的一天畫上一個溫馨的句號,讓孩子們可以與新朋友一起放鬆身心。父母會欣賞周到的活動平衡,讓他們享受一些急需的放鬆,知道他們的孩子得到娛樂和良好的照顧。
The resort is not just about keeping kids busy; it is about creating experiences that the whole family can enjoy together. The resort’s beautiful natural surroundings provide the perfect backdrop for family adventures, from exploring the vibrant house-reef to enjoying a peaceful evening under the stars.
Adaaran Select Meedhupparu’s dedication to creating a family-friendly atmosphere means that young explorers are always welcome. The variety of activities and experiences offered ensures that every child’s stay is filled with fun, adventure, and learning. Plan your family escape to this serene island paradise and watch as your children discover the magic of Adaaran Select Meedhupparu, where every day is an adventure waiting to unfold.
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