
為了慶祝2024 年5 月23 日世界海龜日,坐落在令人驚嘆的巴環礁聯合國教科文組織生物圈保護區內的天堂阿米拉馬爾地夫宣布與環礁海洋中心(AMC) 建立新的令人興奮的合作夥伴關係,環礁海洋中心是一家致力於海洋保護的當地非政府組織。此次合作使客人能夠積極參與保護這些宏偉生物及其重要棲息地。

Founded in Lhaviyani Atoll in 2012, the Atoll Marine Centre (AMC) has become a vital force for sea turtle conservation in the Maldives. Their mission extends far beyond rehabilitation of hatchlings once kept as ill-advised pets. AMC actively rescues and rehabilitates adult turtles entangled in fishing gear or stranded on beaches. Their dedication extends to restoring coral reefs, raising awareness within the local community, and educating future generations through engaging school programs. This partnership with Amilla Maldives marks AMC’s first venture outside their home atoll, signifying the growing importance of collaborative conservation efforts across the islands.


作為 Conscious Travel Foundation 的光榮會員和 EarthCheck 銀級認證度假村,阿米拉馬爾地夫不僅提供豪華住宿。度假村優先考慮永續實踐,並積極讓客人參與環保活動。為了慶祝世界海龜日,Amilla 策劃了一系列難忘的體驗,讓客人了解海龜保育並為此做出貢獻:

  • 海龜探索之旅:透過導遊帶領的浮潛探險,親眼目睹海龜在自然棲息地的神奇魅力。
  • “Turtle Tales”: Educational talks by marine biologists, demystifying the lives of sea turtles and the threats they face.
  • “Adopt-a-Turtle” Programme: An opportunity for guests to directly support AMC’s vital conservation efforts by symbolically adopting a turtle patient recovering at the centre

Amilla Maldives’ dedication to environmental responsibility extends far beyond World Turtle Day. The resort has implemented a series of ongoing initiatives that demonstrate their commitment to a sustainable future:

  • Harnessing the Power of the Sun: A significant investment in solar panel installation has drastically reduced the resort’s reliance on diesel fuel, minimising its carbon footprint.
  • 永續便利設施:Amilla Maldives 與具有社會意識的品牌合作,為客人提供 PCR 材料包裝的可再填充、環保的盥洗用品。
  • 減少塑膠垃圾:度假村為所有客人更換了一次性塑膠水瓶,更換為可重複使用的羅拉瓶。與 Rolla Bottle 合作確保部分收益用於資助海洋塑膠污染清理解決方案。
  • Supporting Sustainable Fishing Practices: Amilla Maldives actively participates in the Blue Marine Foundation’s “Maldives Resilient Reefs” initiative. This program financially rewards local fishermen for adopting sustainable fishing practices that protect fragile coral reef ecosystems.


更多資訊關於 馬爾地夫阿米拉度假村