

Recently, Green Globe renewed its certification of Constance Moofushi Maldives Resort, an acknowledgment of the resort’s ongoing commitment to sustainability. Having been first certified in 2014, the resort proudly maintains its Gold Member status, marking a continuous five-year certification milestone. With its sights set on achieving Platinum status and reaching the ten-year certification mark, Constance Moofushi remains dedicated to implementing long-term sustainability solutions.

坐落在馬爾地夫的中心地帶, 馬爾地夫康斯丹魔富士度假村 周圍環繞著原始的碧綠海水和生機勃勃的珊瑚礁,提供奢華的度假勝地。該度假村以其豪華的水上別墅和無可挑剔的服務而聞名,透過優先考慮永續發展實踐,將奢華與環境意識無縫融合。

Taking a comprehensive approach to responsible tourism, Constance Moofushi places a high priority on environmental stewardship to minimize its ecological footprint. Through various sustainability initiatives, the resort endeavors to preserve the natural beauty of the Maldives. Aprilyn Tiamzon, Assistant Sustainability Manager, oversees the resort’s efforts and reviews best practices.



康斯丹魔富士積極支持綠色倡議,以管理對馬爾地夫經濟、社會和獨特環境的影響。一項重要的保護工作是珊瑚恢復項目,該項目成立於 2017 年,旨在透過在水下種植新珊瑚來恢復受損的珊瑚礁和貧瘠的海底。該計畫旨在長期增強海洋生態系統,並鼓勵客人參與保護和培育魔富士島周圍的珊瑚礁。


The resort engages with local communities, particularly students, through educational programs, workshops, and activities to raise awareness about the region’s rich biodiversity. By organizing marine conservation classes on nearby islands like Himandhoo, Constance Moofushi empowers locals to become stewards of the marine environment crucial to their livelihoods. Collaborative efforts with schools, such as inviting students to participate in the Coral Restoration Project, foster a sense of responsibility and appreciation for marine habitats.




度假村與當地學校一起組織回收競賽等活動,以促進環境管理和負責任的廢棄物管理。此外, 康斯坦絲魔富士 has implemented Waste Management Programs, including the adoption of Food Intel Tech systems in its kitchens. These systems track food waste, reduce the resort’s carbon footprint, and support local farms and businesses. Furthermore, through a partnership with Nespresso, the resort recycles coffee capsules, contributing to a closed-loop system and furthering its commitment to sustainability.



更多關於 馬爾地夫康斯丹魔富士酒店