您的健康之路:JA Manafaru 提供精心策劃的靜修體驗

JA 瑪娜法魯水療中心
JA 瑪娜法魯水療中心

JA Manafaru, the private island resort nestled in the Maldives’ serene Haa Alifu Atoll, is expanding its wellness offerings with five distinct retreat packages designed to cater to a variety of guest needs.

Building on the success of their acclaimed “Wellness Your Way” menus launched last year, JA瑪娜法魯 現在為客人提供了透過精心策劃的專案加深健康之旅的機會。

JA 瑪娜法魯海灘別墅
JA 瑪娜法魯海灘別墅



For those new to wellness retreats, JA Manafaru offers a “Taste of Wellness” program – a perfect introduction available in two or three-day options. For guests seeking a more immersive experience, there are five to ten-day programs focusing on specific goals, including “Detox and Reset,” “Mindful Journey,” and “Active De-Stress.”

獨特的 JA 招牌美食之旅

新產品的一大亮點是 JA 特色美食之旅。認識到人們對飲食轉變的興趣日益濃厚,該計劃透過美味、健康的美食和個性化的護理來引導客人採用新的生活方式。烹飪課程和工作坊進一步幫助客人在度假後很長一段時間內保持健康的習慣。


JA 特色烹飪靜修以及排毒和重置計劃融合了尖端的表觀遺傳學測試。這項與歐洲診所合作提供的非侵入性測試可為每位客人提供有關最佳飲食選擇的個人化見解。與健康專家的視訊諮詢可確保客人了解他們的結果並獲得量身定制的膳食計劃,以優化他們的靜修體驗。




Victoria Kruse, JA Resorts & Hotels Brand Consultant for Wellness and Spa, emphasizes the dedication of the resort team: “We are thrilled to unveil these exceptional programs. Our Director of Spa and Executive Chef have played a crucial role in their creation. The culinary retreat, in particular, is close to my heart, as I understand the challenges of dietary changes. We are confident in guiding guests towards a stress-free and enjoyable path to wellness.”

JA 瑪娜法魯水療中心
JA 瑪娜法魯水療中心

靜修體驗將於 5 月 1 日開始

JA 瑪娜法魯飯店自 2024 年 5 月 1 日起歡迎靜修賓客入住,優惠價截至 12 月 20 日。

在這裡以最優惠的價格預訂 JA Manafaru >>

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