意識豪華度假村 阿米拉 馬爾地夫 has been named the “Responsible Hospitality Partner of the Year” for 2024 at the prestigious Forbes Travel Guide Star Awards annual summit held in Las Vegas. This significant award acknowledges Amilla’s unwavering commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and environmental sustainability.

“What truly sets Amilla Maldives apart is their unwavering passion for inclusivity,” remarked Hervé Houdré, Forbes Travel Guide’s Global Ambassador for Responsible Tourism. “Hospitality, by its very nature, demands inclusivity. While many incredible properties across the globe are taking positive strides, Amilla’s approach to inclusivity truly impressed us.”
Narelle McDougall, General Manager of Amilla Maldives, expressed her gratitude: “This recognition from Forbes Travel Guide is a testament to our team’s dedication to fostering well-being, inclusivity, and sustainability. Responsible hospitality encompasses both environmental preservation and inclusivity for all. It’s about removing barriers, actively engaging with the local community, and empowering our team and guests alike.”

As an IncluCare-certified resort and member of The Conscious Travel Foundation, Amilla Maldives strives to ensure that everyone, regardless of ability, can experience the Maldives’ magic. The resort has seamlessly integrated accessibility features into its design, ensuring they blend effortlessly with the overall aesthetic. Examples include subtly lowered bathroom fixtures, ramps in restaurant areas inspired by marine life, and ongoing staff training to best support guests with mobility or sensory needs. Amilla is constantly evolving to enhance the experience for guests of all abilities.
去年,Amilla 實施了太陽能板系統,在短短 9 個月內發電 60 萬千瓦時,顯著減少了超過 17 萬公升的柴油消耗。他們最新的可持續發展舉措包括:
- 推出由瑞典品牌 19-69 和荷蘭社會企業 Marie-Stella-Maris 生產的可再填充、素食友好型豪華洗浴用品,採用 PCR 材料包裝。
- 為客人提供由矽膠製成的可重複使用的 Rolla 水瓶,以對抗一次性塑膠水瓶。 Rolla Bottles 的部分利潤用於海洋塑膠清理計劃。
- Partnering with the Blue Marine Foundation’s “Maldives Resilient Reefs” program to support sustainable fishing practices. Amilla pays a premium for fish caught using these methods, directly benefiting the local fishing community.
更多資訊關於 馬爾地夫阿米拉度假村