著名的生活方式和休閒目的地 CROSSROADS 馬爾地夫宣布推出一系列新產品,旨在讓探索這個充滿活力的國度變得比以往更容易、更有吸引力,令人興奮的消息傳到了岸上。
Starting February 16th, 2024, complimentary transfers open the door to The Marina, CROSSROADS’ heart of vibrant entertainment and culinary delights. A user-friendly app simplifies the process, ensuring effortless travel from Male, Hulhumale, and even the airport directly. Whether seeking a luxurious end to your trip or a captivating break within your vacation, these convenient transfers break down barriers and unlock a world of possibilities.
踏上這段探索之旅,每人最低消費 $20(不包括 12 歲以下兒童)即可獲得無盡的體驗。這個簡單的步驟將成為您通往綜合天堂的通行證,那裡的每個角落都充滿興奮和發現。
Say goodbye to the “one-island, one-resort” limitation and step into a world exceeding every expectation. At CROSSROADS Maldives, every moment is an adventure:
- 迷人的逃脫: Dive into the captivating atmosphere of SAii Beach Club with Pool, the pulsating rhythms of Hard Rock Cafe, and diverse retail experiences.
- 美食佳餚: Embark on a gastronomic journey with over 14 dining options, including the famed Ministry of Crab, recognized as one of Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants.
- 寧靜與探索: Find solace at Len Be Well spa, capture stunning memories at the Yacht Marina, and unlock local secrets at the Marine Discovery Centre.
- 水下遭遇: 前往馬爾地夫探索中心和最佳潛水中心,潛入充滿活力的海底世界。
- 小冒險家: Let young explorers create unforgettable memories at Koimala & Maalimi’s Junior Beach Club & Camp.
這只是馬爾地夫 CROSSROADS 非凡體驗的一瞥。有了免費接送服務和觸手可及的探索世界,現在就是開始您自己的馬爾地夫冒險之旅的時候了。
立即預訂其中一個度假村的旅程,在 CROSSROADS 馬爾地夫開啟一波興奮之旅!
獲取更多資訊並以最優惠價格預訂 SAii Lagoon Maldives 這裡 >>
更多關於 馬爾地夫 SAii 潟湖
更多關於 馬爾地夫硬石飯店