
Embrace the vibrant rhythm of island life this Valentine’s Day at 奧加藝術度假村 在馬爾地夫,在閃爍著百萬顆星星的天空下,藝術與浪漫相遇。今年 2 月 14 日,透過旨在喚醒您的心靈、刷新您的靈魂的體驗來點燃您的感官。



Indulge in a symphony of flavours at Kaa Kada, the resort’s main restaurant, or  embark on a private culinary journey at one of the specialty venues.

  • La Fuh Dan:這家義大利特色餐廳將推出六道菜義大利晚餐,以慶祝這個特別的日子。
  • Samaasaa:沉浸在感官盛宴中,馬爾地夫關於不幸戀人 Dhon Hiyala 和 Alifulhu 的民間故事在美味的五道菜晚餐的同時展開。
  • 卡卡達海灘:在星空下品嚐七道菜的私人晚餐,讓海浪的低語為您演奏小夜曲。

與 Hoba 水療中心重燃愛情:  

Reconnect with your inner selves and each other through the transformative  power of touch at Hoba Spa. The Lovers’ Spa Package is a 90-minute journey that  includes a Maldivian rose body massage to let the aroma of roses wash away  tension and reawaken your senses, followed by a crystal facial therapy where the  radiance of precious stones detoxify and revitalise your skin. On an end note, is a  foot massage to melt away your stress and find grounding. Lastly, guests are  offered a chance take a piece of the spa’s serenity home via a special gift.

除此之外,水療中心還策劃了特別的 Dhulhaheyo(健康)項目

活動包括洛阿比晨間儀式(Loabi Morning Ritual),透過專注練習迎接新的一天,讓您融入島嶼的節奏;晚上的洛阿比伸展運動(Loabi Stretch),透過輕柔的瑜珈課程釋放緊張情緒。 Loabi Adu 聲音治療課程一定會幫助您重新恢復內心的平衡。

Sip on Love’s Elixir:  

Be sure to taste the resort’s unique Valentine’s Day cocktails, such as ‘Kiss Me Later’,  a playful blend of peanut butter bourbon, milk syrup, and a touch of rose.



Let the music wash over you as you celebrate your love under the stars. At Raa  Baa, sway to the live music of Maeesha and band, followed by a vibrant DJ set. At the private dinner venues, Adlee and Shiuz’s soulful melodies will serenade you  at Kaa Kada beach, while the in-house duo Naffah and Human set the mood for  an unforgettable Italian escapade at La Fuh Dan.

This Valentine’s Day choose Oaga Art Resort and paint your own masterpiece of  love, laughter, and unforgettable memories.

For Maldives lovers searching for an all-inclusive holiday, Oaga Art Resort’s  Greatest All-Inclusive plan re-defines the limits 一價全包的含義;包括創意表達(藝術)課程、筆記(音樂)體驗、在別墅內用餐到漂浮餐、短途旅行選擇、機動水上運動等等。

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