

馬爾地夫倫格里島康萊德飯店 is all set to usher in the Lunar New Year with a delightful array of activities and exquisite culinary offerings from February 7th to 14th. Guests can revel in the perfect blend of tradition and tropical charm at the renowned Ufaa by Jereme Leung, the Maldives’ first authentic 中國餐廳.

在這個吉祥的慶祝活動中,Ufaa by Jereme Leung 將推出獨特的 8 道菜中式菜單,並配有節日裝飾,營造出沉浸式的氛圍,體現豐富的中國文化傳統。 2 月 9 日的特別海濱自助晚餐將呈現一場感官盛宴,以傳統農曆新年菜餚“魚生”為特色,象徵著富足和吉祥。


客人可以參加各種活動,包括燈籠和風箏製作工作坊、麵條和餃子烹飪課程、水療護理、冥想課程和體育比賽。烏法阿受歡迎的卡拉 OK 酒廊為客人享受夜晚增添了額外的娛樂選擇。

Adding a culinary highlight to the celebration, celebrity chef Jereme Leung will grace the resort from February 16th to 20th. Known for his innovative approach to Chinese cuisine, Chef Jereme Leung will curate an exclusive menu at Ufaa, offering chef’s table dinners, cooking classes, and live demonstrations, providing guests with a gastronomic journey.

Ufaa by Jereme Leung 以其正宗的中式美食體驗而聞名,提供新鮮的麵條、精緻的點心以及採用當地食材烹製的特色晚餐。餐廳在寧靜的島嶼氛圍中融合了舒適與傳統。

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