馬爾地夫哈達哈島柏悅酒店透過 ISO 14001 認證強化永續承諾

馬爾地夫哈達哈島柏悅酒店 has announced its distinction as one of the pioneering resorts in the Maldives to achieve ISO 14001 certification, a testament to its unwavering commitment to sustainability and eco-conscious practices.

The ISO 14001 certification is a prestigious recognition that underscores the resort’s dedication to providing guests with a greener and more environmentally friendly experience. Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa has implemented a range of initiatives that not only set them apart in the hospitality industry but also contribute significantly to the preservation of the delicate ecosystem of the Maldives.


Among the standout initiatives is the replacement of single-use plastic bottles with ceramic dispensers for shower essentials, a move that results in the saving of over 100,000 plastic bottles annually, contributing significantly to the reduction of plastic pollution. The introduction of eco-friendly jute slippers, which decompose in just 40 days, is another innovative step in minimizing the resort’s ecological footprint compared to traditional EVA slippers.


In a bid to support sustainable coffee consumption, Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa has shifted to biodegradable coffee capsules, thereby minimizing long-term pollution and landfill accumulation. The resort’s commitment to reducing plastic waste extends to the introduction of reusable glass water bottles, eliminating the need for over 75,000 single-use plastic bottles annually.

The collective efforts of these sustainability initiatives have led to remarkable plastic savings, with the resort saving over 138,000 single-use plastic bottles, 8,000 plastic toothbrushes, 5,000 plastic razors, and 25,000 plastic cotton buds annually. This amounts to an impressive total of 176,000 plastics saved per year, reflecting Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa’s dedication to making a substantial positive impact on the environment.

作為馬爾地夫永續發展的領導者,獲得 ISO 14001 認證標誌著馬爾地夫哈達哈珀悅酒店的一個重要里程碑。度假村始終堅定地致力於為所有人創造一個更清潔、更永續的未來,為馬爾地夫及其他地區的酒店業樹立了光輝典範。

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