Recordes Mundiais do Guinness estabelecidos nas Maldivas

Recordes Mundiais do Guinness estabelecidos nas Maldivas

As Maldivas, conhecidas por suas ilhas deslumbrantes e rica biodiversidade marinha, estabeleceram vários recordes mundiais do Guinness que destacam sua singularidade ambiental e cultural. Aqui estão alguns dos recordes:

Recorde de mergulho livre do Guinness nas Maldivas

  1. A maioria das pessoas pratica mergulho livre simultaneamente:
    On October 1, 2019, the Maldives set a world record when 521 people participated in a mass freediving event. This event, orchestrated by the Ministry of Tourism, took place in the Baros Lagoon and even included the President of Maldives, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, as a participant​ (Guinness World Records)​.

    Registro do beijo subaquático mais longo
  2. Beijo subaquático mais longo:
    On Valentine’s Day in 2023, a conservation couple, Beth Neale and Miles Cloutier, achieved the record for the longest underwater kiss, lasting 4 minutes and 6 seconds. This romantic feat occurred at LUX* Atol de Ari Sul, and the event aimed to promote ocean conservation​.

    Recorde mundial do Guinness: recife de coral impresso em 3D
  3. World’s Largest 3D Printed Coral Reef:
    Recognized in 2021, the Summer Island Maldives features the largest 3D printed coral reef. This innovative project not only helps promote coral growth but also stands as a testament to the use of technology in environmental conservation. The reef was designed in Melbourne, Australia, and then transported and submerged in the Maldives to help foster marine life​.

These records not only showcase the Maldives’ commitment to environmental sustainability but also its capability to host world-class events that bring attention to critical issues such as marine conservation and innovative technologies in ecological preservation. Each Guiness World record emphasizes the country’s unique approach to blending tourism with conservation efforts.