Coco Collection 榮獲 2024 年世界旅遊獎

領先的度假品牌 可可系列 已經宣布他們的兩個度假村, 可可·博杜·希蒂可可棕櫚杜尼科魯,再次獲得世界旅遊獎的認可,該獎項的設立是為了表彰、獎勵和慶祝旅行、旅遊和酒店業各個領域的卓越表現。


今年, 可可·博杜·希蒂 has been awarded as Indian Ocean’s Most Romantic Resort 2024. This most esteemed title honours Coco Collection brand for setting the standard for excellence in the hospitality sector and serve as an ultimate hallmark for the consistently enhanced, elegantly curated services for honeymooners, couples, or guests simply celebrating meaningful bonds with their loved ones.


同時, 可可棕櫚杜尼科魯 once again wins the Maldives’ Leading Green Resort 2024 title for the second year in a row, inspiring the associates and the conscientious guests for their ongoing efforts even more.

Coco Bodu Hithi 和 Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu 邀請您與您所愛的人一起踏上難忘的豪華島嶼之旅,並享受高達 40% 的當前最佳優惠!

在這裡以最優惠的價格預訂 Coco Collection >>

更多關於 可可·博杜·希蒂

更多關於 可可棕櫚杜尼科魯