想像天堂般的奢華。 馬爾地夫庫達杜私人島嶼 sets the story of passion, exploration and connection between humanity and the cosmos. Ali Shameem, Kudadoo Private Island’s Astronomer, and Resort Manager by profession, is a pioneer in the field of Astronomic tourism in the Maldives. With Shameem, guests at fully-inclusive Kudadoo can experience private stargazing sessions under the Maldivian night sky, astronomical cruise dinners and special events – hosted tailored experiences for celestial enthusiasts.
Shameem’s transformative journey began as a Milky Way Citizen with the guidance of Dr. Parang Mahjani with his Astronomy certification in 2010. His collaborations include luminaries such as Dr. Giovanni Benjamin of the University of Padua’s Department of Physics and Astronomy and the American Astronaut legend – Mr. Buzz Alderine. Lately, he has been expanding his knowledge under the guidance of Professor Massimo Tarenghi – a distinguished Italian astronomer renowned for his role in establishing the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimetre Array (ALMA) observatory in the Atacama Chile, the most extensive radio telescope array in the world.
他帶頭在克哈瓦島安納塔拉別墅創建了天文台,為賓客們打開了馬爾地夫的夜空。 Shameem 將天文知識和飯店專業知識完美融合,創造了無與倫比的天文台體驗,讓天體愛好者著迷。他繼續致力於為庫達杜私人島嶼的遊客打造難忘的天文體驗,將其作為馬爾地夫度假體驗不可或缺的一部分。
現在領導天文項目 馬爾地夫庫達杜私人島嶼,Shameem 和他的團隊發起了獨家觀星活動,將賓客體驗提升到了一個新的水平。除了海灘用餐之外,客人還可以享受 30 分鐘到 1 小時的私人觀星活動,在那裡他們可以了解馬爾地夫夜空的天體奇觀和值得注意的智慧。這種奢華與天文學的獨特融合提供了真正無與倫比的體驗。
Kudadoo 的天文體驗
• 天文學史: 詳細解釋天文學的歷史,追溯其古代起源,並重點介紹古代天文學家為現代天文學鋪平道路的非凡發現。
• 視覺天文學: 專門的雷射勾勒出古希臘神話中的星座,讓客人全面了解夜空中的明亮星星。恆星的距離、類型、年齡和大小等細節都得到了細緻的解釋。
• 深空天文學:充分利用 iPad 上的尖端虛擬應用程序,引導客人了解深空天文學的最新發現。其中包括著名太空船、小行星帶和新發現的系外行星的位置。這是一個身臨其境的宇宙虛擬現實,擴展了對宇宙的認識和欣賞。
Embark on a celestial journey like no other at Kudadoo Maldives Private Island, where immersive stargazing meets educational insights. With the observatory nearing completion, guests can anticipate extraordinary astronomical encounters, solidifying the Maldives’ reputation as a celestial sanctuary.
馬爾地夫庫達杜私人島嶼:芙拉瓦麗島的庫達杜馬爾地夫私人島嶼由山崎裕二 (Yuji Yamazaki) 設計,提供寧靜而奢華的庇護所。擁有 15 棟漂浮在印度洋上空的專屬海洋住宅,配備私人管家,重新定義了自由
全天候策劃真實的體驗。從與蝠鱝一起游泳到海濱燒烤,Kudadoo 將輕鬆的優雅與親密的奢華融為一體。搭乘水上飛機或國內航班抵達,然後轉乘快艇,保證您能無縫逃離天堂。