
尼卡島度假村, the world’s first “Kind Island,” is taking its commitment to guest well-being a step further with the launch of its inaugural “Longevity Week” this Easter holiday.

這項獨特的計畫讓客人有機會沉浸在變革性的體驗中,專注於實現更健康、更永續的生活方式。在國際知名生物技術學家、羅馬 IRCCS San Raffaele 長壽中心創始人 Ennio Tasciotti 教授的帶領下,本週將深入研究科學和醫學的最新進展以及實際的日常實踐。



尼卡島度假村, nestled in the heart of the Indian Ocean, provides the perfect backdrop for this unique program. The resort’s rich history, stunning natural beauty, and dedication to kindness create a harmonious environment where guests can reconnect with themselves and explore paths to a longer, healthier life.

Nika Island Resort’s “Longevity Week” promises to be a transformative experience for guests seeking to enhance their well-being.

更多資訊關於 馬爾地夫尼卡島度假村及水療中心