For about a decade, I’ve been a loyal member of Club Mahindra and RCI, believing fervently that until my child turned 18, timeshares were the safest, most family-friendly option for a single mom vacationing with a small child.
This was actually true to some extent. There are many benefits to timeshares, but that’s
In my mind, such exotic places were reserved for celebrities like the Bachchans and very rich tourists. So when RCI announced that it had included the Maldives in its roster, I couldn’t contain my excitement at the chance to go.
我們透過一家名為 Southern Hospitality 的友好斯里蘭卡公司預訂了我們的行程,該公司是 RCI 的
與. 合作。我決定選擇全膳(一日三餐)套餐
2017 年 12 月初,我們在孟買登上了斯里蘭卡航空的航班,邁出了印度境外經科倫坡飛往馬累的第一步。由於馬爾地夫是印度人獲得落地簽證的國家之一,因此移民過程變得輕而易舉。
在馬累,我們的旅行社將我們轉移到跨馬爾地夫航空 (TMA) 航站樓。不幸的是,旋風奧基決定在此時登陸,帶來大陣雨,因此所有航班都因惡劣天氣而取消。

這導致 TMA 航站樓出現相當大的混亂。預訂了距離馬累不遠的度假村的乘客決定乘船前往那裡,而許多人尚未意識到他們不會去任何地方。
The room service had some excellent options. and. hungry from our long day. where the only thing we’d eaten were bland-tasting sandwiches in the TMA lounge. I ordered some jumbo prawns before bed.
The concierge (poor man) thought I’d ordered two plates and was dismayed when I had to ask him to take one back, but he took it back and didn’t charge me for it. which I was grateful for.
Whether I was positively ravenous, or because the prawns were so fresh, I’ll never know, but those jumbo prawns were the most delicious thing I’d ever eaten in my life. I still salivate every time I think of them.
for the airport terminal. It wasn’t long before we managed to take off to our
destination – 曼杜富士島度假村 .
The 45-minute sea-plane journey, a first for us. was a bit stomach-churning, but the sight of the numerous little coral atolls from the air was captivating. In my mind, the melodious voice of Harry Belafonte was singing “Island In The Sun” while below, the sun sparkled and glinted on the blue-green sea.

Medhufushi Island Resort is truly a tropical paradise – one of those picture-perfect little islands that you see in those glossy travel magazines and yearn to visit. I was thrilled to find that, in such a beautiful location, you can get really good photos with just a mobile phone. #nofilter required.

我們被預訂了一間水上別墅,這是一間高蹺上的小房間,呈現扇形延伸到大海。賓客關係經理基肖爾 (Kishore) 是一位來自班加羅爾的聰明年輕人。
He was quick to inform us that he’d given us the sunset villas that face the west, which was better than the sunrise villas. Those, he said, are allocated to large families, so that they don’t fight among themselves over who’s got the better villa.

Stepping out into the balcony of our water-villa, the first thing that hit me was the breeze and the sight of miles and miles of blue-green waves in every direction. It was unreal. It felt like we’d entered a very rarefied realm that we could lose ourselves in.

It’s true what they say about the beach being good for your health. The sight of all that water was unimaginably soothing and calming.
All I wanted to do was to spend as much time as possible gazing at the waves, listening to the ocean, absorbing it all so I could see it in my mind’s eye anytime I wanted. Of course, nowadays you have Instagram for that.

The fish and vegetarian curries were excellent as was the Continental food. The sushi and sashimi were not as tasty. But when you’re spoilt for choice, like we were, you can’t really complain.
sales skills of the talented Mr Kishore), I decided to upgrade us to the all-inclusive package – which included unlimited drinks, two bottles of drinking water a day, and a couple of free excursions. What’s a holiday on the beach without a few Margheritas?

Because Medhufushi Island Resort is just that – an island – fresh water is scarce. The resort has a
Being an eco-conscious tourist, I asked Mr Kishore how the (not inconsiderable) garbage generated on the resort was dealt with. He said it was sent to another island, where part of it is incinerated and the rest is exported for recycling. Hmm, that didn’t sound very eco-friendly.
- 馬爾地夫是一個穆斯林國家。
雖然馬爾地夫人更喜歡穿著保守,尤其是在馬累,但在島上的度假村,一切都是不可能的。我在途中在飛行雜誌上讀到了一些僅限成人入住的度假村。我更喜歡 RCI 聞名的家庭友善項目。

Some things, like idols and pork, are prohibited here. The bacon is made with beef. (No, I didn’t try it. I don’t eat beef or pork).
- 美國貨幣在這裡很好用。
- 馬爾地夫首都馬累就像孟買的郊區。
Despite the brochures, don’t fall for the Male tour spiel. It’s like a section of Andheri and even smaller. If we weren’t stranded by bad weather, we’d have avoided it altogether.


- If you’re newly married, this is Heaven.
It’s worth noting how popular the Maldives is with newly-weds and honeymooners. We saw quite a few beautiful brides posing for photo-ops in their wedding regalia.
Also, you’ll see a number of these little mementoes that couples like to leave behind. Very cute!


As tourists, they are very friendly and well-behaved people. We even made friends with a very nice guy called Nate, who spoke a little English. Most don’t speak any English, but I did see one of them using a translation app to talk to their guide at the airport.
- 遊覽馬爾地夫的最佳時間。
According to the brochures, it’s from December to April. Barring a cyclone or two (we went in early December), the climate should be beautiful. Cyclone Ockhi made landfall while we were on the island, giving us a couple of days of torrential rains.

When not cloudy and windy, it’s hot and humid, rather like Mumbai weather. Carry plenty of sunblock and apply it liberally, especially if, like me, you tend to get sunburnt.
- It’s a haven for snorkelers and divers.
Despite the widespread coral bleaching due to the El Nino event in 1998, the Maldives is still a snorkelers and diver’s paradise. There are many spots where you can watch amazing sea life in the crystal-clear waters. We saw this sting ray close to our room.

Because the house reef was bleached in the El Nino event, it wasn’t exactly teeming with sea life. So they compensate you with free snorkelling trips to a thriving and colourful coral reef a short boat ride away.

- 攜帶一台好相機。
- 做一個負責任的遊客。
The Maldives is an eco-sensitive zone, and sadly, not immune to the deluge of plastic that’s destroying our oceans. We did see a considerable amount of plastic waste washed up on the beach.
Please don’t add to it by throwing garbage in the water, or on the beach, where it can wash out to sea. You’ll end up harming sea life and making these beautiful islands less attractive.

- 您可能需要一個旅行適配器。
But we had carried a universal travel adapter and found we could not plug in our devices at Medhufushi Island Resort without the adapter. No idea why that was the case. I’m still scratching my head trying to figure out why.
I do hope you enjoy your trip to the Maldives. Yes, you’ll be sad to leave, but who can complain when you have a departure lounge that looks like this.

What’s the cost of travel to the Maldives from India?
這取決於。我們的馬爾地夫之旅全包花費了大約 25 萬印度盧比 (US$4000)。這並不便宜,但多虧了 RCI, 我們確實以非常象徵性的價格在水上別墅住了一個星期。
The air-fare, sea-plane and the food package were our most expensive purchases, but it was my first foreign trip with my child and I wanted us to have an incredible experience. It turned out to be a dream vacation and it’s one destination that I wouldn’t mind visiting again and again.

Since I returned, I’ve been researching ways to do the Maldives even cheaper. Lauren juliff has an excellent guide on travelling to the Maldives on a budget. Check it out if you’re willing to forego the water villa experience (which I ll remember for a lifetime).
在我離開孟買和返回印度期間,我真正享受的一項福利是我的 Priority Pass 機場休息室會員資格(感謝我的 HDFC Bank Regalia 卡)。
多虧了Priority PassTM 卡,我們在孟買賈特拉帕蒂·希瓦吉國際機場的出入境檢查後就可以在這個非常舒適的休息室等候,在那裡我們有權享受免費餐食,甚至酒精(是的,你可以得到免費的酒,朋友們) 。
來源: All images and videos are © 普莉婭·弗洛倫斯·沙阿
部落客:Priya Florence Shah
Priya Florence Shah 是一位作家、部落客和旅遊作家。她喜歡和平與安靜的假期,但也喜歡大自然、野生動物、藝術、歷史和文化。您可以與她聯繫@PriyaFlorence
The post Medhufushi Island Resort: Doing Maldives The RCI Way appeared first on Medhufushi Island Resort – Official website.