Nika Island Resort abraça a longevidade com a “Semana da Longevidade” inaugural

Nika Ilha Resort, the world’s first “Kind Island,” is taking its commitment to guest well-being a step further with the launch of its inaugural “Longevity Week” this Easter holiday.

This unique program offers guests the chance to immerse themselves in a transformative experience focused on achieving a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. Led by the internationally renowned biotechnologist Professor Ennio Tasciotti, founder of the Longevity Center at IRCCS San Raffaele in Rome, the week will delve into the latest advancements in science and medicine alongside practical everyday practices.

Nika Island Resort & Spa Maldivas
Nika Ilha Resort Spa

Professor Tasciotti will guide participants through talks, group discussions, and workshops. Daily activities will range from exploring healthy nutrition and physical exercise to fostering social connections and meditation techniques. This comprehensive approach is inspired by the principles of Blue Zones, communities known for exceptional longevity.

Nika Ilha Resort, nestled in the heart of the Indian Ocean, provides the perfect backdrop for this unique program. The resort’s rich history, stunning natural beauty, and dedication to kindness create a harmonious environment where guests can reconnect with themselves and explore paths to a longer, healthier life.

Nika Island Resort’s “Longevity Week” promises to be a transformative experience for guests seeking to enhance their well-being.

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