Villa Haven has been honoured with the prestigious ‘Emerging Luxury Resort of the Year’ award at the Fashion Summer Awards 2024. The distinguished event, hosted by Anton Gormakh, owner of the Fashion TV Channel, was held at Lapino Hall in Moscow and celebrated excellence in luxury and innovation.
Fashion TV recognised outstanding achievements in the fashion industry, awarding the brightest representatives and providing an unforgettable experience for attendees. During the event, Villa Resorts extended an invitation to visit the Maldives to renowned music producer Yana Rudkovskaya and singer Mitya Fomin. Rudkovskaya, known for her participation in the 4th season of the show ‘Mask’ in 2023, is also the producer for popular Russian singer and Eurovision winner Dima Bilan. Mitya Fomin, a prominent Russian solo singer, dancer, and producer, is well-known for his tenure with the dance group Hi-Fi from 1998 to 2009.
Villa Haven 擁有 73 棟精緻的面向大海的別墅和住宅,每棟都配有私人泳池,私密性和魅力無與倫比,為您提供親密而僻靜的島嶼體驗。度假村秉持的設計理念是頌揚馬爾地夫風景的原始之美,透過廣泛使用永續材料展示本土工藝。
Villa Haven 從令人驚嘆的熱帶景觀中汲取靈感,以廣闊的海灘和翠綠的樹葉為特徵,精心打造,以滿足被稱為「簡單的享樂者」的挑剔旅行者群體的需求。這些人秉持著「充足而非過度」的理念,追求簡約的優雅。
避風港保護區 (Haven Reserve) 坐落在佔地 2,500 平方米的廣闊土地上,堪稱島上富裕的精髓。這個避風港擁有三間臥室和三個泳池,其中一個主泳池是馬爾地夫最大的私人泳池之一,長度長達 40 米,令人印象深刻,為豪華度假勝地樹立了新標準。