在 JOALI BEING 探索今年龍年的旅程

這個農曆新年,體驗一個充滿歡樂和失重的假期。圍繞著好運、力量和健康精心打造, 喬利存在 呈現了豐富多彩的活動日曆、由中國傳統醫學療法、茶慶祝活動和美食冒險策劃的客製化健康之旅。

JOALI BEING 是馬爾地夫的第一個健康島,圍繞著心靈、皮膚、微生物組和能量四大支柱而設計,為農曆新年的多代遊客帶來歡樂、啟蒙和失重的感覺。

Joali 馬爾地夫
Joali 馬爾地夫

The island’s wellbeing consultants specialised in Traditional Chinese Medicine will host conversations in the Inspiration Room, delving deep into the healing wisdom of the old and shedding light on the science and relevance of the practice in the modern day. Guests can enjoy personalised treatments available at Areka, the wellbeing centre, from comprehensive consultations to a highlight of treatments from acupuncture to cupping. The young ones can discover the magic of this festival through fun Qi Gong sessions, treasure hunts and underwater activities at B’Kidult, the newly introduced multi-generational facility.

Experience JOALI BEING’s signature treatments, from sensorial Aufguss Sauna to Turkish Hammam, or elevate the journey by reserving a Watsu experience with the visiting practitioner Toru Ogasawara, a world-renowned aquatic bodywork and meditation healer, trained by the creator of Watsu, Harold Dull.

2 月 10 日,伴隨著音樂和精緻的五道菜家庭式菜單迎接新年,其中包括充滿活力的傳統魚生沙拉、中式蟹肉玉米湯、各種自製點心和炒海鮮。在 SAI Tea Lounge 喝一杯由我們的茶師泡製的茶,聆聽來自四面八方的故事,結束夜晚。

JOALI BEING 的別墅每晚 $2700 起,以兩人共享海景泳池別墅的 B&B 為基礎。福利項目每人 $1,693 起,為期五晚。 JOALI BEING 的別墅每晚 $2700 起,以 B&B 的方式兩人共用一間海洋泳池別墅。福利項目每人 $1,693 起,為期五晚。

更多資訊關於 馬爾地夫喬阿里度假村