Seaside Finolhu 與 LUX Tennis 合作

與 LUX 一起在海邊 finolhu 網球

Seaside Finolhu 透過與 LUX Tennis 的激動人心的合作為網球愛好者提供一張王牌

雖然 Seaside Finolhu 最近完成了一項廣泛的改造過程,將凸顯其作為設計主導的豪華目的地的形象,但該度假村仍然堅定地致力於其作為島嶼遊樂場的既定特徵。最近,馬爾地夫度假村宣布了一項令人興奮的新合作夥伴關係,LUX Tennis 將監督 Finolhu 的教練計劃和所有其他與網球相關的活動,這一點得到了強調。


The splashes of vibrant colours and bold shapes of Finolhu’s new Kaleidoscope design concept have been carefully chosen not only to emphasise an aesthetic style but also to highlight the fun and playful nature of the resort. From diving and fishing to tennis and even a state-of-the-art indoor golf studio, Finolhu offers its fun-loving and adventurous guests a wide selection of activities to keep them entertained. To ensure it delivers the finest experience possible, Finolhu has also initiated a number of strategic partnerships and now tennis lovers of all playing levels can enjoy world-class coaching and personalised tennis programmes at the resort thanks to Finolhu’s newest partnership with internationally-renowned tennis coaching specialists LUX Tennis.

LUX Tennis 於 2017 年在西班牙成立,專注於管理網球相關活動,並在世界各地的豪華度假村提供客製化教練計畫。 LUX網球將專業網球教練的豐富經驗與了解每位球員的特定需求的承諾相結合,專注於有趣的活動,旨在挑戰認真的球員,並確保新人對這項運動產生終生的熱愛。憑藉經驗豐富的現任或前任 ATP 級別教練,LUX Tennis 可以定制其計劃,以滿足考慮參加這項運動的初學者、希望提高技能的業餘愛好者或想要參加錦標賽的認真球員的需求。

透過與 LUX Tennis 的合作, 菲諾魯島 is offering a choice of tailored tennis coaching, practice programmes and fun events designed to inspire and challenge guests of all ages and abilities to improve their skill set during their holidays. Whether looking for intensive coaching or just wanting to pick up some new techniques, guests can choose to join private one-on-one or group sessions with a professional coach, while LUX Tennis will also be providing a choice of fun-filled clinics, games, exhibition events and tournaments on Finolhu’s palm-fringed court.

All tennis-related activities on Finolhu will be overseen by LUX Tennis’s assigned coach, John Zibin. A native of Canada, John speaks English, Spanish and Italian. His tennis career includes playing for the Brock University Varsity Tennis Team, while he is also an Ontario Tennis Association Rookie Tour Champion and an Intercounty Tennis Association Champion. John’s professional coaching career dates back to 2009 and includes experience as a Certified Tennis Instructor at Davisville Tennis Club and Parkway Valley Tennis Club of the North York Tennis Association, Toronto, Canada.

Speaking about his role in the partnership between Finolhu and LUX Tennis, John expressed his feeling that it is an extremely good fit for both parties. “With LUX Tennis offering a top-class tennis programme and Finolhu offering top-class guest service, visitors are in for a treat and should expect nothing short of a wonderful experience both on and off the court,” said John. “I am definitely looking forward to seeing smiling faces and satisfied families.”

關於 翡諾島海濱

Finolhu was opened in June 2016 and consists of four islands with long beaches. It has 125 beachfront and overwater villas (more than half with private pool) and four restaurants. Whilst popular with honeymooners, the extensive resort is also very family-friendly, with a kids’ club, plenty of activities and famous for its entertainment.

Owned and managed by Seaside Collection, a Europe-based hotel group with an exclusive portfolio of high-end resorts and city hotels, Seaside Finolhu Maldives is a luxury island resort. “Finolhu”, which is a direct translation of “sandbank” in Dhivehi is located in Baa Atoll, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in the Maldives


Seaside Hotels Chain 由 Theo Gerlach 於 1969 年創立,他的初衷是在自己喜歡的地方建造酒店。這導致了獨特酒店的發展,這些酒店以低調、休閒的方式慶祝奢華。五十年後,該品牌現已擁有 11 家精品店,分別位於德國、加那利群島和馬爾地夫。十一家四星級和五星級飯店均以其獨特的地理位置、獨特的建築、高品質的管理、一流的美食和熱情的接待而聞名。

自 2019 年 6 月起,Seaside Hotels 開始以 Seaside Collection 名義運作。新的Seaside Collection品牌形象和海馬徽章是品質的象徵,體現了該系列酒店的個性。有關城市酒店和度假酒店的更多信息,請訪問

Seaside Finolhu 與 LUX Tennis 的令人興奮的合作關係首先出現在馬爾地夫的豪華度假村上。

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