While the exact date of her arrival remains unknown, the star recently shared glimpses of her holiday on social media. In a post on Facebook, Sonam captioned a photo with âHello from Maldives,â and on Instagram, she shared another picture, expressing her delight at being in âthe one and only beautiful place.â

据媒体报道,索南姆与丈夫阿南德·阿胡贾和孩子一起参加了 瑞提拉岛 One&Only 酒店,尽管这位女演员迄今为止还没有分享任何家庭照片。
This is not Sonamâs first visit to Maldives. She has previously chosen the island nation as her getaway destination.

索娜姆·卡普尔是资深演员阿尼尔·卡普尔的长女,今年 39 岁。她凭借电影《莎娃丽雅》首次亮相宝莱坞,此后出演了几部著名电影。然而,自 2018 年结婚以来,索娜姆已从电影事业中抽身,专注于个人生活。
有关更多信息 瑞提拉岛 One&Only 酒店 马尔代夫度假村