马尔代夫沃木里瑞吉度假村与 Fann Art Therapie 合作,提供独特的家庭体验


屡获殊荣的 马尔代夫沃姆利瑞吉度假村 is set to welcome Fann Art Therapie, a Singapore-based art collective renowned for their captivating string art and mandala creations, to the exquisite property from August 20-23, 2024. Families staying at the resort will have the exclusive opportunity to participate in a series of workshops, fostering creativity, bonding, and a deeper connection to calmness, surrounded by the Maldives’ natural beauty.

通过一系列工作坊,Fann Art Therapie 邀请客人通过弦乐艺术和曼陀罗创作沉浸在艺术和表达的世界中。为期四天的驻留活动将适合所有年龄段和技能水平,并将在整个酒店进行。除了工作坊之外,Fann Art Therapie 的独特创作还将在整个度假村展出,让客人有机会近距离观看艺术作品并向艺术家学习。


Fann Art Therapie 由创始人 Zechai Kee 和 Leow Yee Yng 于 2018 年 2 月创立,旨在让人们重新认识自己和人际关系。Fan Art Therapie 强调过程而非产品,鼓励人们通过艺术表达自己。在度假村举办的研讨会上,他们旨在为客人提供一个减压、断开连接和探索的途径。


  • 8 月 20 日,星期二:在 Vommuli House 举办以鲸鲨为灵感的儿童入门弦艺术工作坊。
  • 8 月 21 日星期三:客厅举办适合所有年龄段的曼陀罗艺术工作坊。宾客们将在探索曼陀罗丰富的文化象征的同时,感受弦乐艺术的宁静。
  • 8 月 22 日,星期四:在客厅举办高级蝠鲼主题弦艺术工作坊,学习具体技巧。
  • Friday, August 23rd: Guests staying in one of the resort’s renowned Premium Villas can enjoy exclusive in-villa string art and mandala sessions for a personalised and intimate experience over limited slots.

The partnership with Fann Art Therapie is a testament to The St. Regis Maldives’ commitment to continually providing new and imaginative experiences offering guests memories to last a lifetime while on Vommuli Island. Exquisite and uniquely curated experiences distinctly set apart the resort along with its impeccable service and unmatched world-class amenities.

更多关于 马尔代夫沃姆利瑞吉度假村