
2024年6月1日至6月8日, 马尔代夫卡纳瑞夫度假村 has hosted a series of environmental, sustainable, and educational activities in celebration of World Reef Day, World Environment Day, World Ocean Day, and Global Wellness Day. This week-long event, aptly named Environment Week, showcased the resort’s unwavering commitment to sustainable practices and ocean conservation. Through engaging and meaningful activities, Canareef involved both guests and staff in initiatives designed to preserve the pristine environment of the Maldives, establishing a tradition that underscores the resort’s dedication to environmental sustainability.

World Reef Day – June 1: Coral Transplanting

6月1日启动环境周, 卡纳雷夫度假村 在巴尔库达海滩举行珊瑚移植活动,纪念世界珊瑚礁日。这一举措旨在保护和恢复珍贵的珊瑚礁,它们是受气候变化和人类活动威胁的重要生态系统。

此次展出的珊瑚是鹿角珊瑚(Acropora Latistella),它被移植到卡纳雷夫岛和附近一座无人居住岛屿之间的泻湖中,水深约 3.5 米。之所以选择这个地点,是因为这里的环境可控,水流适宜,为珊瑚的生长提供了理想条件,也方便护理人员接近。

World Environment Day – June 5: A 100 for the Environment! Tree Planting

On June 5th, in celebration of World Environment Day, Canareef’s team and guests came together to plant trees around the resort, reinforcing their commitment to a sustainable future. Each sapling planted is a testament to their dedication to protecting the planet.

宾客有机会在 Canareef 度假村种植 100 棵果树和蔬菜树,为造林工作做出贡献。这些树包括芒果树、椰子树和鼓槌树等。通过种植这些树,度假村不仅有助于缓解气候变化,还为当地野生动物创造了栖息地并增强了可持续性。

World Ocean Day – June 7: Awareness Program and Nurdle Hunt

为了纪念 6 月 7 日的世界海洋日,Canareef Resort 与马尔代夫环境专家 Shaziya Saeed 合作举办了一场特别的宣传活动。本次活动向客人、团队成员和来自 Seenu Atoll School 的当地学生介绍了海洋保护的重要作用。

Saeed’s engaging presentation covered topics such as the phenomenon of milky seas, coral growth, the ocean’s contribution to oxygen production, and ways to protect our seas. Following the program, participants applied their newfound knowledge during a fun and impactful nurdle hunt at Meera Beach, cleaning the shoreline of these harmful plastic pellets.

Global Wellness Day – June 8: Wellness Activities

为了庆祝 6 月 8 日全球健康日, 卡纳雷夫度假村 组织了一系列促进身心健康的活动。当天的活动首先在 Dhoni Bar 为客人和员工举办了一场恢复活力的瑜伽和冥想课程,重点是呼吸和正念,以培养一种集中感和新生感。

度假村还与 Maldivian Aero 合作,举办了 2 公里跑步和散步活动,起点为 Meera Bar,终点为 Bar-Kuda 海滩。这项活动鼓励参与者保持活跃,在美丽的马尔代夫夜空下留下永恒的回忆。

Canareef Resort Maldives 致力于可持续和负责任地运营,同时为客人提供真实的体验。度假村通过减少能源和水的使用、管理废物以尽量减少塑料使用、支持社区发展和投资可再生能源等举措优先考虑环保做法。此外,度假村还注重保护工作,保护当地遗产和文化习俗。

By adhering to these environmental practices, Canareef aims to minimize its impact and carbon footprint, while contributing to the socio-economic well-being of the communities it serves. The successful execution of Environment Week highlights Canareef’s ongoing dedication to preserving the environment and its role as a steward of the Maldives’ natural beauty.

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