Coco Collection 推出 Nurturing Minds 项目


We are delighted to announce our new initiative launch, “Nurturing Minds”, featuring Wellness Navigators with extensive experience on Global Wellness Day at both 可可·博杜·希蒂可可棕榈杜尼科鲁.

这是 Coco Collection 全年持续开展的一项工作,旨在通过认识到优先考虑让员工轻松获得情感健康的力量来彻底改变心理健康。第一次会议强调了普遍存在的低自尊问题和自爱的重要性,同时关注心理健康和幸福。

To begin this journey, Coco Collection invited Dr. Shanooha Mansoor, Senior Consultant Specialist in Psychiatry, along with her colleague Ali Mikhail Mahmood Razee, Psychologist, to Coco Bodu Hithi. Dr. Shanooha, emphasised how an individual must love their mind as they love their body and talked about how it impacts individuals’ stress management and well-being in a positive way.


与此同时,Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu 邀请了 Abdulla Nazim 博士和 Hussain Shamah 博士。在这项由 可可·博杜·希蒂可可棕榈杜尼科鲁Coco Collection 将邀请多位专家讨论各种与智力健康相关的主题,以教育和提高业内人士的意识。这一举措有助于为度假村的员工创造一个心理上安全的工作环境,并使员工能够发现整体健康的新元素。

We hope this partnership inspires positive change within the hospitality industry by promoting and raising awareness about the importance of associates’ mental and overall wellbeing, while also helping to reduce misconceptions.

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