Pulse Hotels & Resorts 推出全新住宅项目:The Coral Residences, Kandima

马尔代夫旅游业的领先创新者之一 Pulse Hotels & Resorts 推出了 The Coral Residences, Kandima。该住宅开发项目坐落在达鲁环礁郁郁葱葱、长达三公里的 Kandima 综合岛屿度假村的北端,是同类项目中的首例,有望重新定义马尔代夫的奢华生活。

坎迪玛珊瑚住宅区 (The Coral Residences, Kandima) 的设计和建造注重细节,是一座独特的综合海滨住宅社区,拥有卓越的五星级服务,坐落于马尔代夫闪闪发光的蓝色中心。

Coral Residences 包括 40 套设计精美的两居室和三居室公寓。所有公寓均采用现代设计和别致的内饰、高端装饰、最先进的设备,并可一览印度洋的全景。住宅业主将享有一系列高级设施的专属使用权,包括私人海滨泳池、美食餐厅和酒吧、专用健身和娱乐设施以及 24 小时礼宾服务。

Buyers of The Coral Residences will be able to own their apartments under the new strata title ownership program. Owners’ apartments will be part a rental program, managed by Pulse Hotels & Resorts. Residents will have the access to the full range Kandima’s 5-star resort services, including its restaurants and bars, spa, recreation, and other amenities to complement their lifestyle. With its emphasis on comfort, convenience, and community, this development offers a truly elevated living experience.

“We are thrilled to introduce The Coral Residences, Kandima, to discerning local and international buyers,” said Sanjay Maniku, Managing Director of Pulse Hotels & Resorts. “With its unparalleled design and amenities, homeowners can take advantage of a limitless world of activities and experiences on offer at Kandima. We believe this development will set a new standard for luxury living in the Maldives, as well as bringing a new definition to the Maldives family vacation.”

Coral Residences 由 Pulse Hotels & Resorts 打造,该公司也是 The Nautilus Maldives、Kandima Maldives 和 Nova Maldives 的创始人。Pulse Hotels & Resorts 以其创新的酒店理念而闻名,确保每家酒店都能提供非凡的体验和世界一流的服务。该项目已开始建设,预计将于 2025 年第三季度完工。

如需了解更多信息、高分辨率图像或安排私人参观,请联系业务发展总监 Aishath Ihuma,电话:+960 7788986,电子邮件:aishath.ihuma@coralresidencesmaldives.com。