Sun Siyam Iru Fushi has announced that it has been awarded the Travelife Gold Certificate for Accommodation Sustainability for the second consecutive year. This prestigious certification recognises the resort’s commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable tourism practices, all while delivering exceptional hospitality experiences.

Travelife 金牌认证是一项全球公认的荣誉,颁发给在负责任地管理环境和社会影响方面表现出色的酒店和度假村。Sun Siyam Iru Fushi 于 2022 年首次获得此项认证,此后一直优先考虑可持续实践,从而连续获得这一成就。
“We are honoured to once again receive the Travelife Gold Certificate for Accommodation Sustainability,” said Erkaiym Tabyldieva, the Hygiene and Sustainability Manager at 孙西亚姆伊鲁富士. “This recognition reflects our ongoing efforts to integrate sustainability into every aspect of our operations while providing unforgettable experiences for our guests. We are deeply committed to minimising our environmental footprint, supporting local communities, and promoting responsible tourism in the Maldives.”
Sun Siyam Iru Fushi’s sustainability initiatives encompass a wide range of practices, including energy and water conservation, waste reduction and recycling, local sourcing of products, and community engagement. These eco-friendly measures not only contribute to the conservation of the delicate marine ecosystem surrounding the Maldives but also enhance the well-being of local communities and empower them economically.
作为可持续发展之旅的一部分, 孙西亚姆伊鲁富士 度假村不断寻求创新方法来进一步提高其环境绩效和社会影响。从实施节能解决方案到组织海洋保护教育计划,度假村始终坚定不移地履行其使命,为马尔代夫及其他地方创造更可持续的未来。

对于想要在马尔代夫中心地带享受奢华而又环保的度假体验的游客来说,Sun Siyam Iru Fushi 是可持续酒店业的典范。度假村坚定不移地致力于环保责任和社区参与,邀请客人体验马尔代夫之美,同时为地球带来积极影响。
Sun Siyam Resorts 致力于在马尔代夫和斯里兰卡以可持续和负责任的方式运营,同时为宾客提供真实的体验。Sun Siyam Cares 是集团范围内的一项关爱计划,该计划通过减少能源和水的使用、管理废物以减少塑料使用、支持社区发展和投资可再生能源等举措,优先考虑可持续发展。该计划还注重保护工作,并致力于保护当地遗产和文化习俗。通过遵循这些可持续发展实践,度假村旨在最大限度地减少对环境的影响和碳足迹,并为其所在社区的社会经济福祉做出贡献。
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有关更多信息 孙西亚姆伊鲁富士