马尔代夫 Kuda Villingili 被 The White Awards 评为 2023 年最佳蜜月酒店


马尔代夫库达薇宁姬莉酒店 荣获 White Awards 评选的“2023 年最佳蜜月酒店”殊荣。这项殊荣是经过几轮独立审查程序和婚礼行业专家的仔细考虑后授予的,凸显了度假村为开启人生这一特殊篇章的情侣提供的卓越服务、氛围和整体体验。

马尔代夫库达维林姬丽度假村 vividly depicts an idyllic tropical retreat nestled amid the turquoise waters of the North Malé Atoll. Its promise of a perfect island getaway for creating treasured memories is complemented by the highest service standards, spacious beach and water villas, and a unique culinary experience with seven different restaurants offering 11 distinctive cuisines. The resort’s convenient location, just a 30-minute speedboat ride from Male’, adds to its allure.

Kuda Villingili 不仅提供蜜月天堂,还为寻求在蔚蓝大海的壮丽背景下交换誓言的情侣提供全面的婚礼套餐。度假村不仅提供婚礼仪式,还提供私人日落巡航、漂浮早餐、浪漫海滩晚餐和放松理疗,让情侣们在宁静的环境中庆祝他们的结合。


此外,Kuda Villingili 还通过各种选择提升浪漫的用餐体验,包括浪漫海滩晚餐、私人烧烤、星空下的电影、沉没晚餐和葡萄酒图书馆晚餐,每一种都经过精心设计,以创造难忘的时刻。技艺精湛的厨师制作美味佳肴,增添一丝烹饪精湛,以补充浪漫氛围。这些周到的服务真正提升了整体体验,为情侣们提供了一个神奇而难忘的旅程开端。

Deepa Manuel, General Manager, Kuda Villingili Resort, commented: “We are honoured to receive this high score from the top international professionals of the wedding industry. This award is a recognition of the constant efforts, dedication, and passion of our team to provide high standards of services for honeymoon couples as well as unique opportunities for the perfect romantic escape at Kuda Villingili.”


Being recognised as The Best Honeymoon Hotel by the White Awards further solidifies Kuda Villingili Maldives as a hospitality leader in the Maldives. This accolade reflects the resort’s commitment to excellence in providing an unparalleled honeymoon experience, combining luxurious accommodations, exceptional service, and a stunning natural setting.


有关更多信息 马尔代夫库达维林姬丽度假村