艺术才华与热带风光的融合, 奥加艺术度假村
, located in the heart of the Maldives, is gearing up to host a series of festive activities under the theme “A Moment in Time.” It promises a celebration that transcends the ordinary, offering guests an immersive experience that combines the beauty of the Maldives with the allure of art.

当太阳落在碧绿的海水上时,庆祝活动将在 12 月 20 日举行的 Liquid Groove DJ 泳池派对中拉开帷幕。 21 日的圣诞树祝酒礼继续为气氛注入圣诞气氛,伴随着赛义夫 (Saif) 演奏的宁静竖琴声,举行圣诞树点灯仪式,随后主酒吧 Raa Baa 举办现场音乐表演,由当地人才名叫 Naail Trio。 12 月 22 日将举办一系列活动,首先是主餐厅 Kaa Kada 开设的欢乐市场 (Merry Market),随后是姜饼花园 (Garden of Gingerbread),客人可以在那里展示他们装饰姜饼人的创造力。当晚在 Sobi 酒吧(啤酒和杜松子酒花园)举行的 Mix & Mingle Soiree 中结束,并由我们自己的 Vibe 总监 Shiuz 带来现场音乐表演。
On Christmas Eve, from noon onwards, Raa Baa transforms into a local artist pop-up exhibition. From the 24th to the 29th, this Veyoge Caravan exhibition by Suvāsthi will feature “Of the Palm”, a selection of artwork that explore the sacred language between man and craft by local artist Hassan Niyaz. The evening continues with a festive feast later on in the night at Kaa Kada, followed by a Christmas Movie Night and live music by the talented local artist Shiuz.
圣诞节当天,卡卡达 (Kaa Kada) 餐厅将提供愉快的早午餐,随后圣诞老人也会来到瓦加 (Oaga)。庆祝活动继续进行,圣诞早午餐期间有 Dupa Trio 的现场音乐表演、Valerie Sealey (Solstix) 的圣诞表演以及 DJ Afruh 的海滩派对。
As the year draws to a close, the resort’s vibrant energy continues. On the 26th of December, guests can enjoy sun-kissed beats with DJ Afruh, live music by Naffah, and an O-Fire bonfire with live music by Zaki at Raa Baa Beach. The 27th brings the full moon ritual with Hoba Spa to celebrate the final full moon of the year, followed by a Handhuvaru Sound Healing Concert at Hoba Deck beach and culminating in a Moonlit full moon afterparty.

Warming up for New Year’s Eve
多才多艺的 Cinta Damerell 的珠宝制作课程将于 27 日至 29 日举行。 28 日,客人可以在 Kaa Kada 品尝马尔代夫美食,然后在 Raa Baa 欣赏 Dupa Trio 的现场音乐。 29 日的黄金时段晚间鸡尾酒会将变得格外特别,伴随着飞板表演,当地天才 Amruh 将在当晚晚些时候用小提琴演奏小夜曲。
New Year’s Eve – A Moment to Ash
New Year’s Eve at Oaga Art Resort promises to be an unforgettable night of cherished moments. The evening begins with a gala dinner at Kaa Kada, followed by a DJ party at Raa Baa Beach featuring DJ Afruh. As the clock strikes 11:45 PM, travellers will participate in the “Moment to Ash” ceremony, symbolising the burning away of the past year’s moments with fireworks lighting up the sky afterwards in celebration.

The first day of 2024 begins with a rejuvenating New Year’s brunch, followed by a New Year ritual at Hoba Deck, live music by Dupa Trio and an outdoor movie night at Raa Baa. The festivities continue in the days that follow with a sculpting workshop by Cinta Damerell alongside a pool party, live music by local duo Something Lovely, a Boduberu pool party with Harubee, and a bonfire art exhibition with live music at Raa Baa.
On the 5th of January, guests can experience a Galactic Gallery – a bonfire art exhibition at night with live music at Raa Baa. Simultaneously, an immersive sound installation inside Samaasaa, based on the Maldivian musical giant Zero Degree Atoll’s “Dhoni” Album, awaits at the other end of the island.
The celebration comes to a grand finale on the 6th of January with live music by local talents Yani & Iqyan, followed by the Wave Rave – a beach party with DJ Afruh.
- Hassan Niyaz: A graphic designer and self-taught artist from Male’, Maldives. His debut solo exhibition was recently showcased at Art Gallery Male’, and is now exploring new terrain with his second solo showcase ‘Of the Palm’ at Oaga Art Resort.
- Dupa Trio:一支独特的爵士乐队,营造出充满活力、丰富多彩的音乐环境,让人想起爵士乐的黄金时代。
- 瓦莱里·西利(Solstix):一位技术精湛的马戏团和火焰表演者,擅长物体操纵,并通过人员操纵、火焰旋转和接触杂耍来吸引观众。
- Cinta Damerell:一位多学科的创意人士,其目标是创造艺术和体验,鼓励乌托邦天堂,无论是通过电影、探索自然世界的奇观还是为艺术繁荣创建安全的社区。
- Alikko(Aleef):一位好奇的创意者,探索广阔的艺术世界。凭借在音乐、设计和表演艺术方面的经验,他喜欢寻找这些不同形式之间的联系并将它们结合起来。除了火点和其他物体操作表演之外,您还会在他的音乐展示中看到他演奏各种乐器。
- DJ Afruh (Ali Afruh):一位游行 DJ/音乐家和多乐器演奏家,其影响力根植于布鲁斯、爵士乐、雷鬼和世界音乐。
- 伊斯梅尔·阿凡(Ismail Affan):一位才华横溢的音乐家和表演者,以其独特的声音和音域而闻名。
- Something Lovely:来自马尔代夫的原声二人组,由童年好友兼音乐家 Shafyau Rameez (Thappu) 和 Dhifla Ahmed (Dhifoo) 组成。
- Harubee Boduberu 乐队:一群热爱马尔代夫传统音乐 Boduberu 的年轻人,他们用他们的节奏赢得了马尔代夫人的心。
- Yani 和 Iqyan:两位充满激情的音乐家,终生致力于音乐之旅。作为一个充满活力的二人组,他们将才华、创造力和共同梦想和谐地融合在一起,成长为成熟的音乐家。
- Naail 三重奏:Naail 三重奏将来自马尔代夫的三位杰出音乐天才 Naanu、Amir 和 Inan 聚集在一起,呈现出深深植根于爵士乐和马尔代夫传统的各种音乐融合。
- Shiuz: Oaga’s irreplaceable Director for all things vibe, a powerhouse performer with a charismatic career spotlighting the best of the Maldives’ musical arts.
- Naffah:一位内部音乐家,一位抚慰灵魂的街头艺人,一位能够用舒缓的声音消除烦恼的非凡独奏艺术家。
- 扎基:音乐家、歌手、艺人、主持人、冲浪者等,以创造力和才华为马尔代夫旅游业做出了贡献。
- Dumb & Dumber:音乐家 Naffah 和 Humam 的内部合作,提供原声深情音乐的完美融合。
- 当地人才的特色表演:萨克斯管吹奏者 Samooh Thaufeeq、小提琴演奏家 Amru、键盘和萨克斯管演奏者 Husen Thaufeeq、竖琴演奏家 Saif、魔术师 Shaman 等。
Oaga 诚邀您以无与伦比的优惠参加这一重要的庆祝活动,让时间静止,回忆永远铭刻在心。
For Maldives lovers searching for an all-inclusive holiday, Oaga Art Resort’s Greatest All-Inclusive plan re-defines the limits of what All-Inclusive is all about; with inclusions such as Creative Expression (art) classes, Take Notes (music) experiences, In-Villa Dining to floating meal, choices of excursions, motorised watersports and many more.
Situated in North Malé Atoll, Oaga Art Resort is 45 minutes by speedboat from Malé International Airport. A small island with 60 villas with beach and over water options, 5 dining venues and a spa inspired by Maldivian traditional healing practices, Oaga Art Resort’s artistic and creative spaces offer an immersive experience curated by local and visiting artists, and craftsmen from the Maldives.
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