

热带海滩日落| img 通过负空间

Maldivian culture is a fascinating blend of influences from South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The traditional attire reflects this unique fusion. Men often wear the “mundu,” which is like a sarong, wrapped around the waist, and worn with a coloured or white shirt. Meanwhile, women, don the graceful “libaas,” which cover their body apart from the hands and face. While such conservative attire is worn on local islands, those staying at 马尔代夫水上别墅 私人岛屿上的海滩平房不必遵守这样的着装要求。

The country is home to a thriving community of artists and artisans. It’s known for beautiful lacquerwork, especially on Thulhaadhoo Island where local craftspeople transform wooden objects into intricate pieces of art. Another tradition that has been passed down through the generations is mat weaving using hibiscus plant fibres; you also get coconut wood carving, where ordinary coconut palm wood is transformed into handicrafts, masks and more. Some resorts like 马尔代夫 SAii 泻湖 客人可以进入马尔代夫探索中心,在那里可以了解有关当地艺术和手工艺的更多信息。

当地的音乐和舞蹈反映了人们充满活力的精神。充满活力的 Boduberu 是一种传统的鼓乐和舞蹈表演,受到东非的影响,您将随着其富有感染力的节奏打拍子。您还可以欣赏一种名为 Thaara 的民间音乐和舞蹈,它使用一种名为 foti 的乐器和 boduberu dhandi(一种小鼓)。此外,您还可以欣赏 Langiri 传统表演,其中包括优美的舞蹈动作和 bodu beru fali(另一种小鼓)的音乐。

马尔代夫的当地市场也在这里的生活中发挥着重要作用。其中最著名的一些位于首都,包括雄鱼市场,在那里您可以见证传统的捕鱼文化,并展示新鲜的渔获。此外,岛上还有马累当地市场,是繁华的活动中心,提供新鲜农产品、手工艺品、香料等。您还可以参观 Thinadhoo 市场,那里出售各种传统手工艺品,包括垫子和漆器。

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