Muraka Restaurant på Mirihi Island Resort får 2024 Wine Spectator Award


Muraka Restaurant på Mirihi Island Resort i Maldiverna har fått utmärkelsen Wine Spectator för 2024. Detta erkännande är en del av Wine Spectator Restaurant Awards, som lyfter fram restauranger med anmärkningsvärda vinlistor som passar väl in i deras kök och attraherar ett varierat utbud av vinentusiaster.

Muraka Restaurant has consistently met these standards, earning the award each year since 2013. This continuous recognition underscores the restaurant’s commitment to offering a wine selection that complements its culinary offerings and appeals to a broad audience of wine lovers.

Muraka restaurang på Mirihi Island Resort
Muraka restaurang på Mirihi Island Resort

The Wine Spectator Restaurant Awards programme is designed to celebrate establishments that excel in the realm of wine service, providing patrons with a thoughtfully curated wine experience. Muraka’s achievement reflects its dedication to maintaining high standards in this aspect of dining.

Muraka Restaurant’s ongoing success in securing this award showcases its role as a significant player in the Maldives’ dining scene, particularly in the niche of wine-centric cuisine. The restaurant’s wine list is recognised for its variety and relevance, making it a notable destination for guests seeking an exceptional wine and dining experience at Mirihi Island Resort.