The Maldives is world-renowned as a top scuba diving destination and, unsurprisingly, appears at the top of many divers’ bucket lists. With sharks, turtles and rays seen daily on numerous reefs just a few minutes boat ride from the resort, plus the huge abundance of colourful fish it’s understandable why people become totally hooked on underwater adventures here!
Komandoo Maldiverna is surrounded by some the most varied dive sites of the Maldives – beautiful underwater islands, steep drop offs with small caves that have soft coral dripping from the ceilings, current-prone channels where the big fish like to congregate and sandy areas where stingrays like to search for food. The onsite dive centre, Prodivers Maldives, has been operating on Komandoo for over 25 years and the team know the reefs of Lhaviyani Atoll like the back of their hands. They offer dives suitable for every experience level and their love of the ocean is contagious. To holiday here without venturing underwater would be a great opportunity missed…especially as Prodivers has released a great offer for Summer 2024!
Summer 2024 is the season to enjoy all Prodivers and the Maldives have to offer with a special discount of 15% valid for diving before the end of October 2024 – allt du behöver göra för att låsa upp rabatten är att maila leverantörsteamet när du har bokat!* Bring your diving friends, or dive group and the discount increases to an incredible 25% for groups of 6 or more. Great news for those of you who already have your holiday with us booked, and for those of you who don’t, our Erbjudande sommar 2024 har förlängts och du kan bo med upp till 35% rabatt om du bokar före 15 maj 2024** så 2024 är sparsommaren!
*Observera att Providers-erbjudandet inte kan kombineras med andra dykcenterrabatter, inklusive Prodivers Repeater-rabatt och gäller endast för certifierade dykare.
**Snälla se Specialerbjudande sida för fullständig information.
Inlägget Summer of Savings for Divers at Komandoo dök upp först på Komandoo Maldives Resort – A Romantic Adults Only Maldives Resort.
Mer info om Komandoo Maldives Resort