День Земли 2024 – Komandoo Maldives поддерживает «Team Planet» в борьбе с пластиком!

22 апреля, Командао Мальдивы joins millions of people around the world to mark Earth Day with the aim of raising awareness of the changes needed to restore our planet and preserve it for future generations. This year’s theme for the event is Planet vs. Plastic, shining a light on the huge issue of plastic pollution and seeking to reduce production of plastic items by 60% by 2040 and so ultimately reducing the amount of plastic that ends up in the environment causing harm to the planet and its inhabitants.

Командоо Мальдивы Айленд Резорт
Командоо Мальдивы Айленд Резорт

In 2014 we stopped importing drinking water and instead made our own using a desalination plant and bottling the water in reusable glass bottles, eliminating the use of 100,000 plastic bottles per year! We say no to plastic whenever we can, so you won’t find individual portions of condiments on the buffet tables, or plastic bottles of bathroom supplies, your straws will be paper, and there won’t be a bag in the waste baskets. We believe that the solution to plastic pollution is to say ‘no’ to using plastic whenever possible. Committing to reducing the use of plastic is a great way to protect our incredible marine life and those of you have have ever dived or snorkelled at the reefs surrounding Komandoo will know that’s definitely a cause to support since plastic is a huge threat to the health of the oceans and marine life.

Мы признаем, что идиллический тропический рай нашего курорта и окружающая экосистема коралловых рифов хрупки, и мы стремимся изменить ситуацию и сделать все возможное, чтобы защитить ее, как подробно описано в нашем Отчете об устойчивом развитии. Присоединяйтесь к нам и сократите использование пластика, если достаточное количество людей примет меры, спрос на пластик и его производство снизятся.

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