Откройте для себя историю и культуру Мальдив

While the Maldives is famed worldwide as a holiday destination, travellers can sometimes forget that beyond the luxurious island resorts, the country has a rich history and heritage as well. Read on to discover more about the country’s history and its fascinating culture.

Раннее начало

Inhabitants in the Maldives can be traced as far back as the 5th century BC, believed to have come from neighbouring India and Sri Lanka. The subsequent introduction and acceptance of Buddhism was a significant moment that shaped the local culture at the time. Today, echoes of this history resonate in remnants like the Buddhist monastery ruins on Kaashidhoo Island, offering a glimpse into the nation’s past.

Обращение в ислам

In 1153, the Maldivian King’s pivotal conversion to Islam sculpted the nation’s destiny. This transformative moment rippled through time, shaping the Maldives into a fully-fledged Muslim country. Islamic principles, etched into laws, are a part of day-to-day life. As such, on local islands, conservative attire is the norm while alcohol is prohibited, though such regulations don’t apply to private island resorts; these include properties like Adaaran Select Hudhuran Fushi where you can enjoy tours to Male to experience local culture.

Традиционный образ жизни

В условиях современности традиционные средства существования сохраняются, а рыболовство по-прежнему играет ключевую роль в местных деревнях. Некоторые курорты на Мальдивах, работающие по системе «все включено», предлагают гостям уникальный опыт, связанный с этим занятием, а именно рыбалку на закате с использованием традиционной донной техники. Острова также перекликаются с мастерством плетения циновок, лаковой работы и резьбы по дереву, создавая уникальные сувениры, демонстрирующие мальдивское ремесло во всей его красе.

Фото формы

Музыка и танцы

Immerse yourself in Boduberu, the “Big Drum” music that’s said to date to the 11th century, brought over by sailors. Rooted in East African influences, Boduberu has an infectious rhythm and beats and includes elements of dance and songs which tell diverse tales about everything from love to war and more. As the rhythm reverberates, witness a captivating spectacle that connects the Maldives to its rich history as well.

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