Reethi Beach Resort celebra la conservación de las tortugas con la liberación de tortugas en el océano


Reethi Beach Resort recently celebrated the successful release of 80 baby turtles into the pristine waters of the Indian Ocean. The healthy and energetic young turtles eagerly swam to their new ocean home, marking a significant milestone in the resort’s ongoing efforts toward turtle conservation and marine protection.

Villas sobre el agua en el complejo turístico Reethi Beach
Villas sobre el agua en el complejo turístico Reethi Beach

El evento, organizado para generar conciencia sobre la conservación de las tortugas, generó una entusiasta participación tanto del personal del resort como de los huéspedes. Muchos huéspedes se emocionaron profundamente y algunos derramaron lágrimas mientras llevaban con cuidado a las crías de tortuga hasta la orilla para liberarlas. Para muchos, fue una experiencia emotiva, única en la vida, que profundizó su conexión con la naturaleza.

In alignment with nature’s remarkable cycle, these turtles are expected to return to their birthplace in the future to lay eggs and continue the cycle of life. Their return will be a testament to the success of the resort’s conservation efforts and the ongoing preservation of the Maldivian ecosystem.

Valentin Osolos, General Manager of Reethi Beach Resort, stated, “Our pledge to ocean conservation is one of the core principles at Reethi Beach Resort, and events like these exemplify our commitment to protecting marine life. Through our efforts, we not only contribute to safeguarding the environment but also offer our guests the opportunity to actively engage in meaningful conservation initiatives that support the longevity of these beautiful species.”

Reethi Beach Resort
Reethi Beach Resort

One guest shared their experience, saying, “It was an unforgettable moment for me. Holding the baby turtle in my hands and watching it swim into the ocean was truly life-changing. I feel incredibly grateful to have been part of this beautiful initiative, and it has deepened my understanding of how important conservation efforts like this are.”

This event is part of Reethi Beach Resort’s broader conservation efforts in collaboration with Ocean Fanatics Maldives. The resort regularly engages in sustainable practices and activities, offering guests opportunities to contribute to initiatives that protect the planet and its fragile ecosystems.

Más información sobre Reethi Beach Resort  En las Maldivas