Hanifaru Bay: Das ultimative Ziel auf den Malediven, um Walhaie und Mantas zu sehen


Eingebettet im UNESCO-Biosphärenreservat Baa-Atoll ist die Hanifaru-Bucht eines der außergewöhnlichsten Meeresschutzgebiete der Welt. Diese unberührte Bucht ist für ihre unglaublichen Ansammlungen von Walhaien und Mantas bekannt und bietet Meeres- und Naturliebhabern gleichermaßen ein einzigartiges und unvergessliches Erlebnis. Hier gehen wir auf die faszinierenden Merkmale und Fakten ein, die die Hanifaru-Bucht zum besten Ort auf den Malediven machen, um diese großartigen Kreaturen zu beobachten.

  1. UNESCO-Biosphärenreservat

In 2011, the Baa Atoll was designated as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, underscoring its ecological significance and commitment to conservation. Hanifaru Bay, located within this reserve, benefits from stringent protection measures that help preserve its rich marine biodiversity. The bay’s ecosystem supports an abundance of plankton, attracting large numbers of manta rays and whale sharks, especially during the southwest monsoon season from May to November.


  1. Manta-Rochen-Ansammlungen

Hanifaru Bay is world-famous for its massive aggregations of manta rays. During the peak season, hundreds of manta rays can be seen feeding on the plankton-rich waters of the bay. These gentle giants perform graceful underwater somersaults as they filter-feed, creating a mesmerizing spectacle for snorkelers and divers. This natural phenomenon, often referred to as a “manta ray cyclone,” is a rare and awe-inspiring sight that attracts marine enthusiasts from around the globe.


  1. Begegnungen mit Walhaien

Neben Mantas ist die Hanifaru-Bucht auch ein idealer Ort, um Walhaien zu begegnen, den größten Fischen im Meer. Diese sanften Giganten, die bis zu 12 Meter lang werden können, sind regelmäßige Besucher der Bucht, angezogen vom reichlich vorhandenen Plankton. Schnorchler und Taucher haben die Möglichkeit, neben diesen großartigen Kreaturen zu schwimmen und ihre ruhigen Bewegungen und einzigartigen Muster zu beobachten. Die Möglichkeit, sowohl Mantas als auch Walhaie an einem Ort zu sehen, macht die Hanifaru-Bucht zu einem wirklich außergewöhnlichen Reiseziel.

  1. Naturschutzbemühungen

Conservation is at the heart of Hanifaru Bay’s management. The Maldivian government, in collaboration with environmental organizations, has implemented several measures to protect the bay’s delicate ecosystem. Visitor numbers are regulated to minimize human impact, and activities within the bay are closely monitored to ensure sustainable tourism practices. Additionally, educational programs are in place to raise awareness about marine conservation and the importance of protecting these remarkable species.

  1. Schnorchel- und Tauchbestimmungen

To preserve the natural habitat of Hanifaru Bay, strict regulations govern snorkeling and diving activities. Scuba diving is not permitted within the bay to reduce disturbance to the marine life. However, snorkeling is allowed under controlled conditions, providing visitors with an up-close and personal experience with the bay’s incredible inhabitants. Snorkelers must be accompanied by licensed guides who ensure that interactions with the marine life are conducted responsibly and respectfully.

  1. Beste Reisezeit

The optimal time to visit Hanifaru Bay is during the southwest monsoon season, from May to November. During this period, the influx of plankton reaches its peak, attracting large numbers of manta rays and whale sharks. The best visibility and marine activity typically occur between August and October, making these months ideal for experiencing the bay’s extraordinary underwater spectacle.


Hanifaru Bay is a jewel in the Maldives’ crown, offering a unique opportunity to witness some of the ocean’s most magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. Its status as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, combined with robust conservation efforts, ensures that this marine sanctuary remains a thriving haven for manta rays and whale sharks. For those seeking an unparalleled marine adventure, Hanifaru Bay is an essential destination that promises awe-inspiring encounters and lasting memories.

Die besten Resorts im Baa Atoll