Maldivian, Maldivernes nationale luftfartsselskab, vil lancere en ny indenrigstjeneste under South Connectivity Initiative, der forbinder Gan International Airport (GAN) i Seenu-atollen og Kooddoo-lufthavnen (GKK) i Huvadhoo-atollen to gange om ugen, fra den 29. oktober 2024.
South Connectivity er et initiativ ledet af Maldivernes regering i samarbejde med Maldivian, Addu International Airport, Ministeriet for Transport og Civil Luftfart, Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation og Ministeriet for Turisme, for at levere forbedrede turismeforbindelser og kommercielle forbindelser, der understøtter udviklingen af den sydlige zone.
This initiative underscores Maldivian’s commitment to enhancing connectivity for both locals and tourists in the Maldives, marking a pivotal advancement in fostering a resilient tourism ecosystem that serves the interests of visitors and the local communities alike. The service between GAN and GKK facilitates a direct connection for arriving tourists to Gan International Airport via Sri Lankan Airlines, giving access to over 2,100 resort and guest house beds in Gaaf Alifu and Gaaf Dhaalu atoll. The new route will further support import/export trade for local businesses in the Southern Zone.
Ticket bookings for the service will be available from 4th April 2024, from Maldivian’s sales channels including the official website, mobile application, ticketing office and via sales agents, allowing travellers to plan and secure their journeys well in advance.