Oaga Art Resort, kendt for sin kunstneriske ånd og unikke gæsteoplevelser, er begejstret for at kunne annoncere det kommende besøg af to kendte kunstnere og en berømt mixolog.
Master the Art of Mixology with Tao Zrafi (February 27 – March 10, 2024)
Fra 27. februar til 10. marts 2024, Oaga Art Resort welcomes Tao Zrafi, a globally recognised Creative Consultant and Beverage Director. Guests staying at the resort during this period will have the exclusive opportunity to participate in a Masterclass on March 6th. This interactive session will delve into Tao’s signature cocktail-making techniques, offering valuable insights and the chance to learn from a master himself.
Tao was previously featured at Oaga’s “Kula Kula” festival, captivating guests with his themed cocktail apprentice sessions. The menu he created during that time remains a popular offering at Sobi Bar, the resort’s beer and gin garden.

Light Up Your Creativity with Karim Jabbari and Jaime Brown (February 23 – March 8, 2024)
From February 23rd to March 8th, 2024, renowned artists Karim Jabbari and Jaime Brown will grace Oaga Art Resort with their presence. During their stay, these talented individuals will be available to create personalised light portraits for interested guests. They will also collaborate with Oaga’s in-house artists, Mamdhu and Zaain, on a captivating wall mural and contribute to the resort’s Ramadan greeting light painting. Additionally, they will share their expertise by conducting engaging workshops on the art of light painting.
Karim, en verdenskendt kalligrafi- og lyskunstner, er eftertragtet for sine betagende liveoptrædener, kunstinstallationer og store vægmalerier. Han har leveret workshops og foredrag globalt, herunder prestigefyldte universiteter som NYU og Yale.
Jaime, en offentlig kunstner, maler og kreativ medie, blander problemfrit kunstens verden og digitalt udtryk. Hendes passion og kreativitet er tydelig i hendes fængslende vægmalerier og digitale projekter verden over.
Oplev essensen af Oaga
Oaga Art Resort er dedikeret til at skabe unikke møder med forskellige kunstnere og fremme kreativ udforskning. Disse kommende Masterclasses stemmer perfekt overens med denne vision, og giver gæsterne eksklusiv adgang til at lære af kendte personer inden for deres respektive områder.

Yderligere information
For Maldives lovers searching for an all-inclusive holiday, Oaga Art Resort’s Greatest All-Inclusive plan re-defines the limits of what All-Inclusive is all about; with inclusions such as Creative Expression (art) classes, Take Notes (music) experiences, In-Villa Dining to floating meal, choices of excursions, motorised watersports and many more.
Situated in North Malé Atoll, Oaga Art Resort is 45 minutes by speedboat from Malé International Airport. A small island with 60 villas with beach and over water options, 5 dining venues and a spa inspired by Maldivian traditional healing practices, Oaga Art Resort’s artistic and creative spaces offer an immersive experience curated by local and visiting artists, and craftsmen from the Maldives.
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