Coco Collection, luxury island resort group in Maldives, has introduced a new “Solo Adventure” package, offering solo travelers the chance to experience the Maldives at their own pace.
Though the Maldives is often associated with romance, Coco Collection is redefining the destination with its “Solo Adventure” package. Designed for those traveling alone, whether seeking tranquility or adventure, the package offers a fresh take on exploring this tropical paradise.

客人入住期間可享高達 50% 的折扣 可可棕櫚杜尼科魯坐落在芭環礁聯合國教科文組織生物圈保護區內,以其豐富的海洋生物多樣性而聞名。套餐包括 Cowrie 餐廳的每日餐點、水上飛機接送服務以及額外享受水療護理的 20% 折扣。
In addition to relaxation, solo travelers have the unique opportunity to contribute to marine conservation by volunteering at the resort’s Marine Turtle Rescue Centre, in collaboration with The Olive Ridley Project, a charity focused on rehabilitating turtles caught in discarded fishing nets.
喜歡冒險的客人還可以節省 20% 參加旨在讓他們沉浸在馬爾地夫文化和自然中的活動,例如:
- 日落時乘坐傳統的多尼船巡遊
- 與行政總廚學習烹飪當地菜餚
- 在生機勃勃的珊瑚礁中浮潛
- 在僻靜的 Embudhoo 島上享受私人野餐或過夜
- 參觀聯合國教科文組織世界遺產哈尼法魯灣
Coco Collection’s Director of Sales & Marketing, Edyta Peszko, highlights: “The rise of solo travel is undeniable, and we wanted to offer a package that combines flexibility, value, and unforgettable experiences. With our ‘Solo Adventure’ package, guests can fully immerse themselves in the Maldives’ beauty on their own terms.”
以最優惠價格預訂可可棕櫚杜尼科魯酒店 >>
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