馬爾地夫哈沃達 NH 精選度假村 has extended a warm invitation to filmmakers, production teams, and content creators worldwide with our exciting new offering â the exclusive Filming Package. Tucked away in the serene Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll, the resort is more than just a luxurious retreat; itâs a breathtaking backdrop for your next cinematic masterpiece.
想像自己在充滿海洋生物的令人驚嘆的珊瑚礁中拍攝或在原始海灘上捕捉金色的日落。 NH Collection 馬爾地夫哈沃達度假村提供非凡的環境,每一幀都講述著自然之美和奢華的故事。
Whatâs Included in the Filming Package?
- 量身訂製的場地租賃費用:從我們度假村內各種風景如畫的環境中進行選擇,將您的創意願景變為現實。
- 折扣住宿:為您的演員和工作人員提供特別優惠的價格,確保您在拍攝期間感到舒適和放鬆。
- Additional Services: From gourmet catering to top-notch equipment rental and seamless transportation, weâve got your production logistics covered.
- 許可和許可:我們的團隊處理所有文書工作,確保您獲得在這個獨特地點拍攝所需的批准。
- 個人化的現場支援:我們的敬業員工可以為您提供從後勤到確保您的拍攝體驗順利進行等各個方面的協助。
- Customisation Options: We understand every project is unique; thatâs why we offer flexibility to tailor our package to suit your specific needs and creative goals.
Beyond its cinematic vistas, our resort offers state-of-the-art facilities, impeccable service, and a commitment to making your filming experience exceptional. Whether youâre shooting a documentary, commercial, or feature film, the resort provides the perfect blend of luxury and practicality.
準備好將您的電影願景變為現實了嗎?立即聯絡度假村團隊,探索我們的拍攝機會,討論客製化選項,並確定您首選的拍攝日期。讓 NH 精選馬爾地夫哈沃達度假村成為您的合作夥伴,在馬爾地夫的自然風光中創造難忘的時刻。