尼卡島度假村及水療中心歡迎安德里亞·卡拉羅 (Andrea Carraro) 博士參與變革性長壽計劃

尼卡島度假村及水療中心 宣布了一項為期兩週的特別計劃,重點是與著名的健康和保健專家一起促進長壽 安德里亞·卡拉羅博士.

Carraro 博士是一位傑出的整骨醫生、Naprapath 醫生、姿勢學家和肩部專家,他將於 7 月 30 日至 8 月 14 日在尼卡島。客人可以參加旨在增強身體活動的個人化計劃,這是健康老化的基石。

This exclusive program reflects Nika’s dedication to offering exceptional wellness experiences in the Maldives’ only designated longevity blue zone. Throughout the event, guests will enjoy curated activities like sunrise yoga on the beach and personalized training plans designed by Dr. Carraro himself.

“Join for a rejuvenating experience guided by Dr. Carraro,” invites Nika Island Resort & Spa. “Embrace a lifestyle that celebrates vitality and lasting well-being.”


Book your stay at Nika Island Resort & Spa and embark on a transformative journey of longevity with Dr. Andrea Carraro. Let the island’s pristine beauty inspire you as you work towards a future of enriched health and long-lasting vitality.


更多資訊關於 馬爾地夫尼卡島度假村及水療中心