马尔代夫富士法鲁岛 诚邀宾客参加充满活力和欢乐的宰牲节庆祝活动,宰牲节通过色彩、音乐和舞蹈的狂欢象征着联系。6 月 15 日至 6 月 16 日,与我们一起营造欢乐的氛围,非常适合与家人和朋友一起庆祝这一特殊时刻。
6 月 15 日,庆祝活动将以我们在 Eggamuge 举办的盛大椰子秀拉开帷幕。这项互动活动让客人有机会探索椰子在马尔代夫生活中的多种用途、好处和文化意义。表演结束后,客人将受邀前往 Korakali 享受融合马尔代夫和阿拉伯风味的精致美食体验。这场文化融合的庆祝活动一定会让您大饱口福,意犹未尽!
The celebrations continue on 16th June, starting with a special Eid breakfast at Korakali. Begin your day with a delightful spread that sets the tone for the festivities ahead. At 7:30 AM, guests are welcome to join the Eid Prayer at the mosque, offering a serene and spiritual start to the day. In the afternoon, experience the vibrant energy of Dhafi Negun, this is a traditional Maldivian dance, characterised by rhythmic beats, expressive movements, and colourful costumes – it will transport you to the heart of Maldivian culture. Following the dance, the beach fun continues with traditional games like Tug of War and a Dhafi Negun match, accompanied by delightful Maldivian tea as the sun sets.
庆祝活动在 Fanihandhi 酒吧的迷人开斋节表演中达到高潮。Dhandi Jehun、Bandiyaa Jehun 和 Boduberu 等文化表演将令宾客如痴如醉。这些迷人的表演将邀请您坐下来欣赏,甚至加入其中一起跳舞。Dhandi Jehun、Bandiyaa Jehun 和 Boduberu 等文化表演将令宾客如痴如醉。这些迷人的表演将邀请您坐下来欣赏,甚至加入其中一起跳舞。马尔代夫 Fushifaru 为这场盛大的庆祝活动提供了田园诗般的环境,将令人惊叹的自然美景与卓越的款待相结合。我们期待着欢迎您参加充满欢乐、团结和难忘时刻的宰牲节庆祝活动。
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