有史以来第一次, 马尔代夫卡纳瑞夫度假村 参加了这一盛事,这对我们的度假村和阿杜环礁的烹饪界来说是一个重要的里程碑。
Our talented culinary team showcased their skill and dedication, bringing home an impressive array of accolades. Against stiff competition, they clinched a total of 5 medals and received several outstanding certificates, cementing Canareef’s reputation for culinary excellence.

这些令人瞩目的成就彰显了我们烹饪团队的奉献精神和热情。他们的创新技术和创造力不仅为 Canareef 带来了荣耀,也在全球舞台上展示了马尔代夫丰富的烹饪传统。
In addition to the medals, our team also received several certificates, further validating their outstanding performance. We couldn’t be prouder of their accomplishments and the recognition they’ve brought to our resort.
值此重要时刻之际,我们衷心祝贺 Canareef 团队的每一位成员。你们的辛勤工作、才华和坚定不移的承诺确实为烹饪界树立了新的卓越标准。
The 2024 Hotel Asia Exhibition & International Culinary Challenge concluded with a prestigious award ceremony and business gathering at Crossroads, Maldives. The three-day event celebrated the best in Maldivian and international hospitality, featuring captivating exhibits at Dharubaaruge, Malé, fiercely contested culinary challenges held at Maldives National University, and culminating in a glittering award ceremony.
This annual event, endorsed by the World Association of Chefs’ Societies, is a vital part of the Maldivian tourism industry. It provides a platform for industry professionals to showcase their skills, gain exposure, and connect with others in the hospitality industry, promoting the country’s culinary heritage to the world.

卡纳雷夫拥有自己的私人野餐岛和马尔代夫最长的海滩之一,是放松和冒险的天堂。 271 间宽敞的海滩别墅可供客人选择,每间别墅均设有露天浴室,可欣赏周围景观的壮丽景色。

Indulge in delectable cuisine at our two restaurants, enjoy personalized in-villa dining experiences, and explore 25 unique dive spots teeming with marine life. From historical sites to protected areas, Canareef offers a diverse range of activities to cater to every traveler’s preferences.
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